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Emerson - GE Fanuc


La serie de productos Versamax de GE Fanuc incluye diferentes controladores industriales. Las entradas, que pueden ser entradas de fuente o de lógica positiva, están destinadas a conectar un módulo de CPU con dispositivos de entrada de CA, como pulsadores, interruptores y sensores. Una entrada de lógica negativa recibe su corriente del terminal base y la devuelve al dispositivo de entrada, mientras que una entrada de lógica positiva recibe su corriente de las entradas y la devuelve al terminal común. Además, esta serie de productos no ofrece aislamiento punto a punto, pero sí permite el aislamiento de grupo a grupo, las acciones del usuario para el aislamiento del procesamiento de señales ópticas y la entrada del usuario para el aislamiento de tierra del marco, todos los cuales tienen una clasificación de 250 Voltios de CA para operación continua ya 1500 V por hasta un minuto. El backplane del PLC suministra energía al módulo de entrada, por lo que no requiere una fuente de alimentación adicional. Los dispositivos TTL se pueden usar con entradas que tienen una configuración de lógica negativa. Para evitar perturbaciones en la placa posterior durante la instalación, los usuarios deben asegurarse de que la inyección en caliente se realice correctamente. Estos controladores Versamax Nano y Micro a menudo ofrecen muchos métodos de comunicación, satisfaciendo los requisitos de control de un operador. La colocación de las lengüetas inferior y superior tiene un propósito para facilitar una instalación rápida y fácil. Los bordes superiores del terminal encajan en las ranuras de la parte inferior del módulo de E/S, y así sucesivamente. Este módulo tiene un relé de bobina fija con armadura móvil, una frecuencia de conmutación de 20 ciclos por minuto con inductancia, contactos de aleación de plata y un tiempo de reacción máximo de 10 milisegundos.

Collage of images depicting Versamax units

GE Fanuc Versamax PLC

Un PLC VersaMax es una plataforma basada en chasis modular montada en un riel DIN, que consta de una CPU, una fuente de alimentación, una variedad de módulos de E/S, comunicación y/o accesorios, y unidades portadoras (placas posteriores en las que se montan los módulos). Las características comunes en toda la familia VersaMax incluyen:

  • Capacidades de PLC de alta potencia en un formato de chasis modular compacto de 70 mm
  • Opciones de comunicación independientes o totalmente en red
  • Altamente escalable: hasta ocho módulos de E/S o accesorios por rack y hasta ocho racks por sistema de estación de E/S o PLC VersaMax
  • Hasta 64 módulos y 2048 puntos de E/S en total por CPU
  • Módulos de E/S de hasta 32 puntos cada uno
  • Función de direccionamiento automático de E/S
  • E/S que dan servicio a dispositivos de dos, tres y cuatro hilos
  • Programable en diagrama de escalera, gráfico de función secuencial y lista de instrucciones
  • Funciones de datos de punto flotante (reales)
  • Función de inserción en caliente para módulos accesorios, sin impacto en los procesos en ejecución
  • Protocolos de comunicación que incluyen Genius, DeviceNet, Modbus/TCP, PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, ASi y Ethernet Global Data (EGD)
  • Dos puertos serie integrados para conectividad RS-232 y RS-485
  • Diseño totalmente compatible con los requisitos de UL, CUL, CE, UL HazLoc Clase 1 Zona 2 y Clase 1 División 2 y ATEX Zona 2
  • Batería de respaldo para programa, datos y hora del reloj
  • Memoria flash no volátil para almacenamiento de programas
  • Interruptor Ejecutar/Parar
  • Compatible con el dispositivo EZ Program Store

La configuración de un PLC VersaMax requiere la selección de números de pieza para todos los módulos individuales necesarios para formar un chasis.

Selección del modelo de PLC VersaMax

Los componentes del PLC VersaMax de Emerson abarcan aproximadamente cien números de pieza diferentes, por lo que se necesita un poco de investigación y preparación para armar un kit de PLC completo.

Modelos de CPU

Seleccionar una CPU es quizás el punto de partida natural para seleccionar una compilación, ya que querrá dimensionar su compilación según el tamaño de la aplicación y la funcionalidad deseada. La documentación original de GE Fanuc enumera los siguientes cuatro (4) modelos de CPU para sus PLC VersaMax. Los modelos '002' y '005' todavía se pueden encontrar en el mercado de repuestos usados. Los modelos de CPU son los siguientes:

  • IC200CPU001: Esta es una CPU con dos (2) puertos seriales y una memoria configurable de 34 kilobytes.
  • IC200CPU002: Esta es una CPU con dos (2) puertos seriales y una memoria configurable de 42 kilobytes.
  • IC200CPU005: Esta es una CPU con dos (2) puertos seriales y una memoria configurable de 64 kilobytes.
  • IC200CPUE05: Esta es una CPU con dos (2) puertos seriales y una interfaz Ethernet integrada, así como una memoria configurable de 64 kilobytes.

Modelos de fuente de alimentación

A continuación, seleccionaremos una unidad de fuente de alimentación, especificada para que coincida con los requisitos de interfaz de dispositivo y E/S que necesitaremos para nuestro sistema. Los modelos disponibles (y su backplane de soporte) se enumeran a continuación.

  • IC200PWR001: Esta es una fuente de alimentación de CC de 24 voltios.
  • IC200PWR002: Esta es una fuente de alimentación de 3,3 voltios de CC ampliada de 24 voltios.
  • IC200PWR101: Esta es una fuente de alimentación de CA de 120/240 voltios.
  • IC200PWR102: Esta es una fuente de alimentación de 3,3 voltios de CA ampliada de 12/240 voltios.
  • IC200PWR201: Esta es una fuente de alimentación de CC de 12 voltios.
  • IC200PWR202: Esta es una fuente de alimentación de 3,3 voltios de CC ampliada de 12 voltios.
  • IC200PWB001: Este es un portador de refuerzo de fuente de alimentación.

Portadores y módulos de E/S

Como se mencionó anteriormente, un portador es el término de GE Fanuc para la placa posterior que se monta en el riel DIN de su panel, que sirve como superficie de montaje para todos los módulos. Los portadores proporcionan el montaje físico, la comunicación entre módulos y las conexiones de cableado de campo que juntos construyen su chasis. Los transportistas vienen en tres variantes, que incluyen:

  • Los módulos de E/S tipo terminal son módulos que se montan paralelos al riel DIN.
  • Módulos de E/S de tipo terminal compacto, que son módulos montados perpendicularmente al riel DIN.
  • Portadores de E/S estilo conector, que son módulos montados perpendicularmente al riel DIN. Estos módulos se utilizan normalmente con terminales de E/S interpuestas.

Los portadores se adaptan a los módulos destinados a encajar en su lugar, así como a los métodos de cableado que se pretende emplear. Hay más de veinte números de modelo de soporte para elegir al seleccionar sus módulos de E/S y accesorios. Además, varias categorías de E/S están disponibles para los sistemas PLC VersaMax. Estos incluyen módulos de entradas discretas, módulos de salidas discretas, módulos de salidas de relé, módulos de E/S discretas mixtas, módulos de entradas analógicas, módulos de salidas analógicas, módulos de E/S analógicas mixtas e interfaces de E/S remotas, así como muchas más E/S. O módulos.

Módulos de comunicación de red

El último tipo de módulo a tener en cuenta es el módulo de comunicación de red. Al igual que con el grupo de transportistas, querrá consultar los manuales y las hojas de datos para obtener números de pieza específicos, debido a la cantidad y los detalles de selección disponibles. Tenga en cuenta que las interfaces PROFIBUS, Ethernet, Genius y ASI tienen versiones y variantes específicas para elegir, así como operadores específicos.

Otros accesorios

Los PLC VersaMax de Emerson tienen algunos accesorios adicionales que vale la pena mencionar. Las bases de interposición de E/S ofrecen medios de desconexión integrados para dispositivos de campo cableados a ellas y permiten que otros portadores de tipo conector interactúen con el cableado de campo. Hay seis modelos para elegir.

Emerson también ofrece un dispositivo flash de almacenamiento de programas EZ, número de catálogo IC200ACC003, que se puede usar para almacenar y actualizar la configuración, el programa de aplicación y los datos de la tabla de referencia guardados en el dispositivo en un PLC.

Por último, una serie de opciones de expansión y E/S remotas completan los accesorios disponibles para el VersaMax.

Escalabilidad del PLC VersaMax

Como sistema escalable, no debemos olvidar que los PLC VersaMax se pueden expandir a múltiples racks, lo que requiere el uso de unidades de E/S remotas y módulos receptores de expansión. Los PLC VersaMax se pueden expandir en esquemas de varios bastidores o de extremo único.

  • Multi-Rack: Este es un esquema de expansión que usa un Módulo Transmisor en el rack maestro de la CPU y usa Módulos Receptores de Expansión aguas abajo en los racks esclavos. Hay varias opciones para cada módulo según la distancia y los requisitos de red.
  • Single-Ended: Este es un esquema de expansión con una conexión directa desde un bastidor de CPU maestro a un único bastidor esclavo. En este caso, se puede utilizar un único módulo transmisor de expansión no aislado (IC200ERM002), con una longitud máxima de cable de 1 metro.

Emerson Automation suministra una variedad de cables de expansión, conectores de terminación y juegos de conectores para usar con bastidores de expansión.

Especificaciones técnicas de la CPU

Especificaciones de CPU - Modelos 001, 002, 005

  • Tamaño:
    • IC200CPU001/002: 2,63 pulgadas x 5,04 pulgadas (66,8 mm x 128 mm)
    • IC200CPU005: 4,20 pulgadas x 5,04 pulgadas (106,7 mm x 128 mm)
  • Almacenamiento de programas: Flash del sistema, RAM respaldada por batería
  • Consumo de corriente del backplane:
    • IC200CPU001/002
      • Sin convertidor de puerto serie ni dispositivo de almacenamiento de programas EZ: 40 miliamperios para una salida de 5 voltios y 100 miliamperios para una salida de 3,3 voltios.
      • Con un convertidor de puerto serie o un dispositivo EZ Program Store: 140 miliamperios para una salida de 5 voltios y 100 miliamperios para una salida de 3,3 voltios.
    • IC200CPU005
      • Sin convertidor de puerto serie ni dispositivo de almacenamiento de programas EZ: 80 miliamperios para una salida de 5 voltios y 290 miliamperios para una salida de 3,3 voltios.
      • Con un convertidor de puerto serie o un dispositivo EX Program Store: 180 miliamperios para una salida de 5 voltios y 290 miliamperios para una salida de 3,3 voltios.
  • Comunicaciones integradas: estas CPU tienen RS-232 y RS-485.
  • Velocidad de ejecución booleana:
    • IC200CPU001/002: 1,8 ms/K (típico)
    • IC200CPU005: 0,5 ms/K (típico)
  • Precisión del reloj en tiempo real (para funciones de temporizador): 100 ppm (0,01 %) o +/- 9 segundos por día
  • Precisión del reloj de la hora del día: 23 ppm (0,0023 %) o +/- 2 segundos por día a 30 grados centígrados, así como 100 ppm (0,01 %) o +/- 9 segundos por día a un rango de temperatura completo.

Memoria configurable de CPU - Modelos 001, 002, 005

  • Memoria Configurable:
    • IC200CPU001: 34k bytes máximo
    • IC200CPU002: 42k bytes máximo
    • IC200CPU005: máximo de 64k bytes
  • Tamaño del programa de aplicación (no configurable): 128 bytes mínimo
    • IC200CPU001, para ref. Compatibilidad 1.50: 12K bytes
    • IC200CPU002, para ref. Compatibilidad 1.50: 20K bytes
  • Tamaño de configuración de hardware (no configurable): 400 bytes mínimo
  • Registros (%R): 256 bytes mínimo
    • IC200CPU001/002, para ref. Compatibilidad 1.50: 4.096 bytes
  • Entradas analógicas (%AI): 256 bytes mínimo
  • Salidas analógicas (%AQ): 265 bytes mínimo

Especificaciones de la CPU - Modelo E05

  • Tamaño: 4,95 pulgadas x 5,04 pulgadas (126 mm x 128 mm)
  • Almacenamiento de programas: Flash del sistema, RAM respaldada por batería
  • Consumo de corriente del backplane:
    • IC200CPUE05
      • Sin convertidor de puerto serie ni dispositivo de almacenamiento de programas EZ: 160 miliamperios para una salida de 5 voltios y 650 miliamperios para una salida de 3,3 voltios.
      • Con un convertidor de puerto serie o un dispositivo EZ Program Store: 260 miliamperios para una salida de 5 voltios y 650 miliamperios para una salida de 3,3 voltios.
  • Velocidad de ejecución booleana: 0,5 ms/K (típica)
  • Precisión del reloj Relatime (para funciones de temporizador): 100 ppm (0,01 %) o +/- 9 segundos por día
  • Precisión del reloj de la hora del día: 23 ppm (0,0023 %) o +/- 2 segundos por día a 30 grados centígrados, así como 100 ppm (0,01 %) o +/- 9 segundos por día en el rango de temperatura completo.
  • Comunicaciones integradas: esta CPU tiene RS-232, RS-485 y una interfaz Ethernet.
  • Memoria configurable: máximo de 64K bytes
  • Especificaciones de la interfaz Ethernet:
    • Número de conexiones del servidor SRTP: 8
    • Velocidad de datos de Ethernet: 10 Mbps
    • Interfaz física: 10BaseT RJ45

Memoria configurable de CPU - Modelo E05

  • Memoria configurable: máximo de 64K bytes
  • Tamaño del programa de aplicación (no configurable): 128 bytes mínimo
  • Tamaño de configuración de hardware (no configurable): 528 bytes mínimo
  • Registros (%R): 256 bytes mínimo
  • Entradas analógicas (%AI): 256 bytes mínimo
  • Salidas analógicas (%AQ): 256 bytes mínimo

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Versamax

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las selecciones más grandes de unidades Versamax usadas en el mundo.


The GE Fanuc IC200TBM002 is a Versamax connector strip. It offers a connection point for carriers and interposing Versamax series terminals. This termination can also be utilized with two wires, including AWG #18. The auxiliary I/O terminal strip from GE Fanuc Automation, model number IC200TBM002, features 18 wiring terminals and an IEC box design with internal bussing. The terminal strip includes tabs for connecting to a preceding carrier and a slot for the following terminals.


The GE IC200TBM005 terminal strip is a Versamax series terminal strip. It is compatible with terminal-style I/O carriers and and with interposing terminals. The terminals on the IC200TBM005 terminal strip are spring-clamp style terminals and there are 18 of them. These 18 terminals are all internally bussed. The IC200TBM005 terminal strip allows interposing terminals and terminal-style I/O carriers to support extra connections for field wiring.


This module, Catalog ID IC200PNS001, is mostly used to construct distributed I/O architecture as it provides communication via Profinet networks up to 2880 total bytes of continuous I/O data and 2880 bits of analog I/O data at a maximum distance of 100 meter per segment at 10/100 mbps. This module primarily supports Class A I/O for Profinet Slave version 2.2. Additionally, the firmware can be upgraded in the field using the USB port.


The GE Fanuc IC200PNS002 module is a Versamax series PROFINET Scanner (PNS). It contains two mbps (SC-Duplex) Multi-Mode Optic (MMF) connections and a 1.10 Amperes at 5 Volts DC (5 Watts) power consumption rating. When everything works as it should, the "OK" LED will glow continuously in green. If the scanner is not configured to restart automatically in the event of a power failure or machine malfunction, the "OK" LED for the other modules will be off or flashing.


To connect an additional power supply in series with other modular carriers in a system, utilize the GE Fanuc Power Distribution Booster Carrier, Catalog ID IC200PWB001. Users will need to unscrew the IC200PWB001 Power Supply Booster Carrier from the DIN rail in order to remove it. Booster carriers have mating connectors on the sides, therefore if the booster carrier is installed between two other carrier units, the users will need to dismount one of the other units.


A 24 Volt Direct Current power supply input module from the Versamax series is the IC200PWR001 GE Fanuc module. It features a 24 Volts DC input voltage, 3.3 Volts DC output voltage, and 5 Volts DC output voltage. A 24 VDC input is required to operate the GE Fanuc IC200PWR001 power supply input module, which then provides an output of either 5 VDC or 3.3 VDC. The power supply provides up to 10 milliseconds of holdup time and a 10 Watt input power rating. Power isolation and auxiliary power are not available for this module.


The IC200PWR002 is a power distribution module member of the VersaMax product group. This power supply module has an input supply voltage range of 18 to 30 Volts DC and is a 24 Volts DC expanded power source. It can accept input voltages up to 24 Volts DC and produce either 3.3 or 5 Volts DC. The module's output current is limited to 1.5 Amperes, regardless of whether the voltage is 5 Volts DC or 3.3 Vplts DC. It features a longer power supply option but no isolated power.


The Versamax series' power supply module is the GE Fanuc IC200PWR101. Its output voltages are 5 Volts DC & 3.3 Volts DC, and its input voltage is 120/240 Volts AC. In the case of a 3.3 Volts output, the maximum current will be 0.25 Amperes, while a 5 Volts output will produce 1.5 Amperes (after subtracting the 3.3 Volts consumed current). It operates at 47–63 hertz. The holdup time for this device is roughly 20 ms.


This Allen Bradley module, Catalog ID IC200PWR102, is a power distribution module member of the VersaMax product group. This hardware has an inbuilt short circuit & overload protection for module protection. This supply module has an input supply voltage of 85-132 VAC / 176-264 VAC, 47-63 Hz, and outputs 120 / 240 VAC. It can put out either 5 VDC or 3.3 VDC, and its output current is a maximum of 1.5 Amperes at 5 VDC and 1.0 Amperes at 3.3 VDC.


The GE Fanuc IC200PWR201 was designed to be a power supply module for Versamax control systems. It is rated at 12V DC. The IC200PWR201 power supply module operates as a backplane power supply for devices such as I/O modules, NIU devices, and CPU devices. The rated output current of the IC200PWR201 power supply module is 1.5 Amps. It can provide 5V DC or 3.3V DC of output voltage.


The GE Fanuc Versamax IC200PWR202 power supply is an expanded power supply. It can provide 1.5 Amps of output current with output voltage ratings of 3.3 Volts or 5 Volts. The IC200PWR202 power supply supplies the backplane power for Versamax system CPUs, NIUs, and I/O modules. Its nominal input voltage is 12V DC and its input power is 11 W.


This module, Catalog ID IC200SET001, is primarily used to enable industrial Ethernet network connectivity for VersaMax Micro & nano controllers. The Ethernet interface, which offers a 10/100 mbps transfer rate and has one (1) RS232 port and (1) RS485 port, allows users to upload, download, and monitor applications. This component allows serial devices to communicate using the TCP/IP protocol via an Ethernet connection. Users can hook up all sorts of peripherals, including CNCs, terminals, PLCs, and displays.


A GE Fanuc 5/12 Volts DC positive/negative logical input module with 32 input points divided into 4 groups is the IC200MDL644 Dynamical Input Module. It has an input voltage range of 0 to 15 Volts DC, an input impedance of 2.4K Ohms, and a backplane current usage of 140 milliamperes at 5 Volts. In order to ensure compatibility with TTL devices, it is advised that the inputs be set up as negative logic. Furthermore, the filter time can be adjusted in software from 0 to 1.0 or 7.0 milliseconds, and the input response time can be set manually.


This module, Catalog ID IC200MDL650, comprises four groups of eight channels each, totaling thirty-two (32) channels that may handle both positive and negative logical wiring setups. This module's input channels each have a 24 VDC rating, a 0 to 30 VDC input signal range, and an input current range of 2.0 to 5.5 mA. This module is installed to a standard DIN rail and support horizontal and vertical orientation. A distinct LED indicator shows each input channel's activation status.


It features a 0.5 millisecond reaction time, an output voltage range of 17.5 - 30 Volts DC, and an input voltage range of 18 -30 Volts DC. GE Fanuc produces the IC200MDL730 Multifunction Output Module. It is a 24 Volts DC Versamax positive processing input module. LEDs on the output module glow amber to signal the presence of problems like short circuits or overloads. In the Versamax PLC system, the central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for identifying these flaws, also known as point faults.


GE Fanuc manufactures this Standalone Output Module, Catalog ID IC200MDL740. It is a 12/24 Volts DC Versamax Affirmative Logic Output Module. It includes 16 discrete outputs, an external power source voltage range of 10.2 to 30 volts DC, a nominal voltage of 12 or 24 volts DC, and a backplane current usage of 45 milliamperes. Filter time is adjustable, with a maximum response time of 0.2 ms and an off response time of 1.0 ms. It uses backplane power and has a separate external power source for the load side.


Positive logic output device rated for 0.5 Amperes and 24 Volts DC is this Single Axis tracking Module, Catalog ID IC200MDL741, from GE Fanuc. It has 16 discrete outlets in one group, an external power source, and an output voltage range of 18 to 30 Volts DC. Each outlet has its own set of LED indications showing if it is on, off, or overloading. The output voltage spans 18 - 30 Volts of Direct Current, and the module can handle a peak load power of 0.5 Amperes at 30 Volts DC. The fastest on/off time is capped at 0.5 ms.


GE Fanuc produced 24 Volts. DC positive logical output module called the Discrete Input Module, Catalog ID IC200MDL742. It draws 150 microamperes of backplane power and has 16 separate outputs in 2 groups with an output voltage span of 18 - 30 Volts Direct Current. LEDs at each output show if the device is on or off and whether there is an overload. This drive has a peak backplane current consumption rating of 150 mA, a load power of 0.5 Amperes at 30 Volts Direct Current, and an on/off response time of 0.5 milliseconds.


The Versamax range of devices includes this Single Output Module, Catalog ID IC200MDL743. It is a 5, 12, & 24 Volts DC Negative Circuit Output Module. It contains an external power source and 16 discrete outputs organized into one group. To simplify the wiring procedure, there are a variety of carriers to choose from, including box-style and spring-style compact carriers. With its automated I/O addressing characteristics, the IC200MDL743 Discrete Output Module makes PLC-based industrial control applications a breeze.


The IC200MDL744 output module is a GE Fanuc Versamax output module with 2 groups of 16 outputs each. All 32 outputs on the IC200MDL744 module are negative outputs or sinking-type outputs. These negative outputs operate by switching loads to the negative or return side of the system's DC supply and they receive their current from the loads. The IC200MDL744 module's intelligent processing is performed for it by the system NIU or CPU.


This GE Intelligent Platforms module, Catalog ID IC200MDL750, contains two (2) sets of sixteen channels each and thirty-two (32) output lines that allow positive logic wiring setup. Each of the 32 total outputs features both a DC+ and DC- connector. When inductive loads are wired into the output module, an external suppression circuit is used. The module has been approved for use in a hazardous environment of Class I, Division 2.


This module, Catalog ID IC200MDL930, includes eight independently isolated Usually Open (N.O.). Additionally, it contains a single component OK LED to show if the module is receiving an active source of backplane power. This module's eight (8) Normally Open (N.O.) or Form A contacts are rated for nominal voltages of 0 to 125VDC, 5/24/125VDC, and 0 to 265VAC (47 to 63Hz), 120/240VAC, with a current rating of 2.0 Amperes. Each of the module's 8 locations is equipped with its own LED light to show whether or not it is receiving field power.


This module, Catalog ID IC200MDL940, includes sixteen (16) individually separated Normally Open (N.O.) / Form A contacts with nominal output voltage ratings of 0 to 125 VDC, 5/24/125VDC, and 0 to 265 VAC (47 -63 Hertz), 120/240VAC, and output contact ratings of 2.0 Amperes each. The IC200MDL940 can draw up to 490 mA from the backplane and needs a power supply that can deliver between 0 and 265VAC (47 - 63 Hertz) at a nominal 120/240VAC.


The IC200NAL110 PLC is a Versamax Nano PLC that was manufactured by GE Fanuc. It has 10 discrete I/O channels. These discrete I/O include 6 inputs rated at 12V DC and 4 relay outputs. The IC200NAL110 PLC also has a 0 to 10V analog input. This PLC does not have a fuse or any pulse outputs. The IC200NAL110 PLC's outputs are all normally open and they can function as up to 3 high-speed counter outputs but not as pulse train outputs or as pulse width outputs.


The IC200NAL211 PLC is a GE Fanuc Versamax Nano PLC. It has 6 DC inputs, 1 analog input, and 4 relay outputs. It uses a 24V DC-rated power supply. The IC200NAL211 PLC's 4 outputs are all NO or normally open outputs. Its analog input can operate with 0-10 Volts and its 6 DC inputs can support positive or negative logic.


A NANO PLC control system for the Versamax series is this controller, Product ID IC200NDD010. It has four outputs with a 12 Volts DC rating. Each of the NANO PLC's 10 I/O terminals is equipped with an LED indicator that displays power and connection status. On the front of the PLC are two LED indicators: the "FLD PWR" and "OK" LEDs. The IC200NDD010 controller is safe to use in a Class I Division 2 environment so long as certain regulations are met.


GE Fanuc's Versamax series uses a NANO controller called the IC200NDD101. There are four DC outputs and six DC inputs. The IC200NDD101 controller has an RJ-45 serial connector for communicating with a PC for setup and customization. The controller's data and information can be obtained via the functions' buffer. At 19.2 Volts DC, the controller's holdup time is rated at 10 ms. At 30 Volts DC, the inrush current lasts for only 10 ms. The controller's DC inputs can be used for conventional and fast counter inputs.


A Versamax series Nano PLC component developed by GE Fanuc includes this controller, Catalog ID IC200NDR001. It can withstand a voltage of 24 DC volts. The RS-485 adapter with the IC200NDR001 controller allows for multi-drop connections and is compatible with the controller's modem. There is a 10-ms holdup in the power supply. For 30 Volts DC, the NANO controller has a 1 Ampere inrush current. It can withstand vibrations between 57 and 500 Hertz and shocks of up to 15 G for up to 11 ms.


A Profibus Network Adapter Unit, or NIU, from the GE Fanuc Versamax series is the IC200PBI001 module. It was developed and produced by GE Fanuc. It needs 250 mA from the 5 Volts bus and 10 mA from the 3.3 Volts bus. Each network node contains 64 I/O modules. Expansion racks allow it to grow as needed. Each GE Fanuc device has a unique Profibus network address between 1 and 125.


The GE Fanuc Multifunction Input Module, Product ID IC200MDL243, is a Versamax I/O & Control System type. This module features 16 individually separated inputs with a maximum backplane present consumption of 100 milliamperes and an operating voltage of 120 Volts AC. The IC200MDL243 Input Module can take input voltages between 0 and 132 volts AC, with a nominal rating of 120 volts AC. The on-state operating range of the IC200MDL243 Input Module is 70 to 132 Volts AC, and the maximum reaction time is 1 cycle.


The GE Fanuc Versamax IC200MDL244 module is a discrete input module. It has 8 input points. The IC200MDL244 input module has high isolation requirements and this means that it needs to be used with specific carriers that are compatible with its isolation requirements. Its voltage rating is 240V AC. The IC200MDL244 module's 8 inputs can operate as sourcing inputs or as positive logic inputs. It operates with backplane power.


This GE Fanuc Dynamical Output Module, Catalog ID IC200MDL329, is designed to work with the Versamax I/O & control system. This module features eight independently isolated outputs with a maximum backplane current consumption of 70 milliamperes and an operating voltage of 120 VAC. An AC-powered discrete output device for the Versamax I/O & control system is the GE Fanuc IC200MDL329 Versamax Freestanding Output Module. A Versamax PLC's interface between the CPU and output devices is provided by this module.


The backplane supplies 140 mA of current to this module, Catalog ID IC200MDL330. A discrete output module from the VersaMax I/O platform is the IC200MDL330. Each of the sixteen (16) isolated output channels on this module provides a 120 VAC signal at a frequency of 47 to 63 hertz and a voltage of 85 to 132 volts AC. This module has a current draw of 140 mA generated from the backplane.


The IC200MDL331 is an 8-point output module from the GE Fanuc Versamax product line. This outout module has 8 isolated outputs which are all discrete outputs. The IC200MDL331 module operates with 2 Amps of rated current and it needs an external power supply which is rated at 120V AC to switch power to its loads. The IC200MDL331 module's output voltage range is 85-132 Volts AC.


The IC200MDL631 input module is a GE Fanuc Versamax input module rated at 125V DC. It comes with 8 isolated input channels. The IC200MDL631 input module's inputs can all be configured to support positive logic or negative logic. The operating power for the IC200MDL631 input module is provided by the system backplane and the intelligent processing functions are performed by the system NIU or the system CPU.


The IC200MDL632 input module is a discrete input module in the GE Versamax series. It comes with 16 inputs and these inputs can operate as positive logic or negative logic inputs. When they operate as positive logic types of inputs, the IC200MDL632 module's inputs receive their current from input devices and they return it on the return. When they operate as negative logic inputs, the IC200MDL632 module's inputs receive their current from the return terminals in the system and they return that current to the input devices in the system.


The IC200MDL635 is a discrete type of input module in the GE Fanuc Versamax series. It has 16 positive/negative logic types of inputs. The IC200MDL635 input module's DC voltage rating is 48 Volts DC. The module hosts 2 groups with 8 inputs each. The IC200MDL635 input module's discrete input data rating is 16 bits. Its backplane current consumption rating is 70 milliamps maximum at 5 Volts of output voltage.


The IC200MDL636 module is a GE Fanuc Versamax input module equipped with 32 grouped inputs that are all discrete. The voltage rating for the IC200MDL636 input module is 48V DC. All 32 inputs may be configured to operate with positive logic or with negative logic. Positive logic inputs receive their current from the connected input devices while negative logic inputs receive their current from the system common. The IC200MDL636 module can support filtering.


The GE Fanuc 24 Volts DC favorable logical input component with 16 points in the Versamax seires is called the IC200MDL640 Dynamical Input Module. There are two groups made up of the 16 inputs. Users are encouraged to utilize a shorting bar in conjunction with the B Terminal to arrange additional bussed terminals while doing field wiring neatly. Insertion of the IC200MDL640 Discrete Input Module can be done when it is powered. However, special attention during installation is required to prevent backplane interference.


The IC200MDL643 module is an input module with 16 discrete grouped inputs. It was made by GE Fanuc as a Versamax series input module for application in Versamax automation systems. The IC200MDL643 module is capable of operating at 5/12V DC and its 16 inputs are capable of operating with positive or negative logic. When the IC200MDL643 module's inputs are configured for negative logic, they can connect to TTL devices.


The GE Fanuc Versamax IC200CHS121 base is a main base made for hosting Versamax I/O modules in automation systems. It supports interposing I/O terminals which are fuse-style terminals. These fuse-style terminals correspond to the "A" terminals on a compatible Versamax series I/O module. The IC200CHS121 main base has 36 total terminals and it has a J1 connector for a cable. Its terminals include several common terminals that reduce the need for auxiliary terminal blocks in the system.


The GE Fanuc IC200CHS122 base is an expansion base from the GE Versamax series that is designed to host certain types of I/O modules from the GE Versamax series. It has fuse-style terminals. The IC200CHS122 expansion base is usually used alongside a Versamax main base. Both Versamax bases are used to host a Versamax I/O module. The IC200CHS122 expansion base's terminals are compatible with the "B" terminals that are found on some Versamax I/O modules, and the main base installed alongside the IC200CHS122 base has terminals that are compatible with the I/O module's "A" terminals.


The IC200CHS211 relay base from GE Fanuc is a Versamax is an interposing relay base. It enables a Versamax I/O module to be connected to a variety of termination bases. The IC200CHS211 relay base will provide extra protection and higher amperage outputs to the I/O module. It also enables the users to easily disconnect signals from individual I/O points on the I/O module. The relays on the IC200CHS211 relay base are replaceable.


A serial communication unit in the Versamax line created by GE Fanuc is the IC200CMM020 module. There are serial connection ports on it. It has a 15-pin D-type connector, an RS-232 port, and an RS-485 port. The IC200CMM020 module supports full and half duplex connections at baud rates of 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200. At 5 Volts output voltage, this communication module needs 460 mA of current, but at 3.3 Volts it needs only 5 mA.


With programmable memory of 34K Bytes, this CPU, Catalog ID IC200CPU001, is a small controller that provides processing of 2048 distinct inputs & 2048 discrete outputs. Built-in connection interfaces include RS232 & RS485 ports that are RTU Slave, SNP Slave, & Serial I/O compatible. Furthermore, it has a Boolean execution speed of 1.8 ms / K. The CPU has a real-time clock and battery-backed memory. The clock keeps track of epochs that are crucial to the function. At any temperature, the precision of the real-time clock is 100 ppm.


For internal connection, the CPU module has RS-232 & RS-485 serial interfaces. GE is the manufacturer of the CPU module known as IC200CPU002. Under typical conditions, the battery will last for five years. The Run/Stop switch on the IC200CPU002 CPU allows you to power it on and off. The central processing unit can handle both floating point & real data operations. Behind the module door, is a Run/Stop switch that can be used to begin or end the data writing process or make adjustments to the isolated data.


This Product ID IC200CPU005 is a CPU with user-configurable memory. It is produced for the Versamax line by GE Fanuc. For the internal network, RS-232 & RS-485 serial interfaces have been built. The random access memory (RAM) and the real-time clock in the IC200CPU005 CPU are powered by a detachable battery. As it operates, the real-time clock records a variety of timestamps. The CPU needs to be properly grounded to prevent electrical harm.


A GE Fanuc VersaMAx controller module is this Allen Braldey drive, Catalog ID IC200CPUE05. This controller supports a maximum of 64 module or 2048 I/O points and has an average Boolean execution time of 0.8 ms/K. The super capacitor inside can store data for up to an hour before handing off to the battery, which can keep it safe for up to six months. The fitted battery has a shelf life of up to 5 years.


Each station may accommodate 8 I/O modules. A network interface module from GE is called the IC200DBI001. This interface module needs 160 mA from the 5 Volts bus & 10 mA from the 3.3 Volts supply. The module includes several different kinds of connectors. It uses a 5-pin open standard-style connector and is compatible with CAN H, V+, CAN L, Shield, V0 signals. A resistor creates a passive termination at the network's endpoint.


A Network Interface Unit (NIU) from the VersaMax series of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) is the IC200EBI001. This module has LED status indications for PWR, OK, and FAULTS, among others. The I/O modules necessary to construct a distributed I/O architecture are hosted and controlled by this module, which acts as an ethernet slave module. The auto-negotiation 10/100 Mbps Ethernet transmission speed on its single RJ45 connector is a nice feature. There's room for up to 1024 bytes of I/O, with a matching 512 bytes of input and output. Up to 64 I/O modules and 7 extension racks can be installed.

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