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Emerson - GE Fanuc


La serie de productos QuickPanel incluye varias interfaces de operador y accesorios diseñados y fabricados por Emerson - GE Fanuc. Esta serie de productos se compone de la serie de productos QuickPanel Plus, la serie de productos QuickPanel View y más. Las pantallas de estas interfaces miden 6 pulgadas, 7 pulgadas, 10 pulgadas, 12 pulgadas o 15 pulgadas. Las interfaces QuickPanel maximizan la productividad a través de sus excelentes velocidades de procesamiento, memoria, control de alto rendimiento, visualización, etc. Estas interfaces de operador se pueden montar en la mayoría de los entornos a través de soportes de montaje en panel. La temperatura de funcionamiento de estos productos oscila entre 0 y +55 grados centígrados, y la temperatura de almacenamiento oscila entre -10 y +60 grados centígrados.

Guía de selección de GE Quickpanel (IC754)

General Electric (GE) es bien conocido como un conglomerado de múltiples industrias con manos en más sectores de mercado de los que podemos contar. En Automatización industrial, los usuarios conocen a GE tanto por sus ofertas de distribución eléctrica como de control de procesos, aunque en muchos casos por los nombres de sus empresas subsidiarias o líneas de productos adquiridas. La familia de productos QuickPanel Human Machine Interface de GE es un buen ejemplo, ya que se unió a la cartera de GE a través de la adquisición y luego se expandió bajo varios nombres de unidades comerciales diferentes. En este artículo, examinaremos una generación particular de la línea QuickPanel identificada por su prefijo de número de pieza, IC754, y las múltiples series que se encuentran dentro de esta familia.

Línea de la familia QuickPanel de GE

El mercado de la automatización industrial ha conocido a General Electric (GE) como un fabricante destacado en el espacio, aunque ha luchado por fomentar una identidad estable. La historia de GE se remonta a más de 150 años desde la primera bombilla incandescente del fundador Thomas Edison, y hoy es una corporación gigante con cerca de 170,000 empleados que operan en nueve grupos industriales en todo el mundo.

A medida que el grupo de servicios eléctricos de la compañía se expandió al mercado industrial a mediados de la década de 1900, creó una unidad comercial dedicada conocida como GE Industrial Solutions, que se centró en equipos de distribución de energía. Esta empresa condujo cada vez más a aplicaciones de automatización industrial, lo que finalmente allanó el camino para la formación de la empresa conjunta GE Fanuc Automation Corporation en 1986, agregando el fabricante japonés de hardware/software de automatización a la cartera de GE. En 1998, GE amplió su línea de automatización con otra adquisición, esta vez de la compañía Total Control Products (y específicamente, su línea de interfaz de operador), renombrada bajo el nombre de la unidad de negocios GE Fanuc.

Si bien los volúmenes de ventas de automatización y electricidad de GE eran respetables, la empresa se encontró en gran medida incapaz de lograr un verdadero liderazgo en el mercado frente a la competencia de gigantes industriales maduros como Allen-Bradley y Siemens. El siguiente paso de GE fue reestructurar, reducir su tamaño y centrarse en mercados en los que estaba mucho mejor establecida. En 2009, GE y Fanuc disolvieron su asociación y GE mantuvo internamente partes de la línea de hardware bajo una nueva división denominada GE Intelligent Platforms. En 2018, GE vendió su negocio de distribución eléctrica a ABB, y en 2019 hizo lo mismo con el grupo de Plataformas Inteligentes a Emerson, poniendo fin de manera efectiva a la incursión de GE en los mercados eléctricos y de automatización.

Hoy en día, buscar información sobre los productos heredados de GE puede resultar bastante confuso. La mayoría de los nombres de productos se pueden encontrar en varias generaciones en períodos en los que cada línea de productos estaba bajo una empresa matriz diferente (IE Total Control, Fanuc, GE Fanuc, GE Intelligence Platforms o Emerson Automation Solutions), por lo que los usuarios deben tener cuidado de buscar documentación. que es específico de la fecha de fabricación, versión y revisión de un producto.

Para el resto de este artículo, basaremos nuestra discusión en el año 2012, extrayendo información del documento del catálogo de productos de Plataformas Inteligentes de GE ##GFA-406H, fechado en 2012. La información para esta generación de interfaces IC754 QuickPanel es relativamente verificable a través de múltiples fuentes todavía disponibles, que aparecen actualizados y renovados después de la división anterior entre GE y Fanuc. El prefijo del número de pieza IC754 se remonta a principios de la década de 2000, aunque gran parte de la información anterior parece ser una repetición de la documentación original de Total Control que no podemos confirmar sigue al cambio de generación que ocurrió cuando los números de pieza migraron de "QP" de TC a GE. “CI”.

La familia QuickPanel IC754 se ofreció en modelos de visualización y control, que describiremos a continuación por separado, ya que se construyen en torno a diferentes casos de uso y conjuntos de funciones.

Omitiremos los números de modelo en la serie OEM (IC754"O"...) ya que estos dispositivos pueden tener pequeñas diferencias con respecto a los modelos de View y Control modificados por los fabricantes de sistemas que revenden estos dispositivos. En general, las variantes "O" admiten todo el hardware y las aplicaciones como sus modelos de versión "V" y "C" equivalentes; sin embargo, pueden tener algunas incompatibilidades con varios software. A medida que pasa el tiempo y las versiones de los controladores se vuelven más difíciles de encontrar, pueden surgir incompatibilidades adicionales.

Características de la vista QuickPanel

Disponible en una variedad de tamaños de pantalla, la solución de visualización QuickPanel View proporciona las herramientas necesarias para las necesidades de aplicaciones avanzadas de la época. Al integrar la familia de pantallas táctiles QuickPanel más vendida con el software, QuickPanel View ofrece un rendimiento flexible y escalable en una plataforma de hardware resistente.

QuickPanel View se vendió con varias propuestas de valor clave, como:

  1. Entrega de información: actuando como puente entre el sistema empresarial y la planta, QuickPanel View proporciona información, no solo datos, que los operadores necesitan para operar las máquinas y que la administración necesita para administrar su negocio. QuickPanel View es un vínculo fundamental para una operación de fabricación bien integrada.
  2. Escalable: a medida que crezcan sus requisitos de información, también lo harán sus necesidades de hardware. Los productos QuickPanel View son extremadamente escalables para crecer con sus necesidades.
  3. Conectividad perfecta: a medida que crece su necesidad de monitorear y recopilar datos, es posible que deba conectarse a una amplia variedad de dispositivos. A menos que su interfaz de operador tenga una conectividad perfecta, es posible que enfrente demoras y dolores de cabeza. Es por eso que QuickPanel View viene de serie con una gran cantidad de controladores integrados para conectarse con el mundo de los dispositivos de automatización.
  4. Otras ventajas clave:
    • Reemplazo rentable para botones pulsadores y luces piloto
    • Recopilación de datos, tendencias, seguridad del sistema y otras funciones
    • Cumplimiento de estándares globales UL, ATEX, CE

QuickPanel Ver modelos

La familia QuickPanel View se divide en tres categorías de marketing, destinadas a describir las aplicaciones previstas para cada grupo.

QuickPanel Ver terminales cargados

  • Descripción: aplicaciones medianas a grandes donde se requiere comunicación con múltiples dispositivos de diferentes proveedores.
  • Características:
    • Conectividad: Redes Serial, Ethernet y Fieldbus
    • Visualización y secuencias de comandos VB
    • Flash compacto
    • Visores de documentos (doc, xls, pdf)
    • Coleccionista de historiadores
    • Publicación web
    • Vista y Control Integrado
  • Tallas disponibles:
    • TFT en color de 15"
    • TFT en color de 12"
    • TFT en color de 8"
    • TFT en color de 6"
    • Mono de 6"

QuickPanel Ver terminales intermedios

  • Descripción: Aplicaciones de tamaño mediano que se comunican con múltiples dispositivos. Aplicaciones que utilizan controladores de automatización programables o controladores lógicos programables.
  • Características:
    • Conectividad: Redes Serial, Ethernet y Fieldbus
    • Visualización y secuencias de comandos VB
    • Tarjeta flash compacta
    • Coleccionista de historiadores
    • Memoria ampliable
    • Publicación web
  • Tallas disponibles:
    • TFT en color de 12"
    • Mono de 12"
    • TFT en color de 8"
    • 6" STN-Color
    • Mono de 6"

QuickPanel Ver terminales básicos

  • Descripción: Ideal para pequeñas aplicaciones. Uso de conectividad serie punto a punto.
  • Características:
    • Interfaz serie a PLC
    • Ver secuencias de comandos
    • Ver Funcionalidad
  • Tallas disponibles:
    • TFT en color de 6”
    • Mono de 6"

Funciones de control de QuickPanel

QuickPanel Control combina el control flexible e integrado con la visualización en una sola plataforma de hardware resistente para obtener más funcionalidad en un espacio más pequeño. Brinda acceso a una amplia gama de E/S, se comunica a través de una variedad de redes y permite el monitoreo remoto de sus sistemas. Al integrar la familia de pantallas táctiles QuickPanel Control con el software, QuickPanel Control ofrece un rendimiento flexible y escalable en una plataforma de hardware resistente.

El diferenciador clave de la línea de control QuickPanel se encuentra en su capacidad para conectarse en red directamente a las interfaces de E/S y servir como controlador maestro para aplicaciones de procesos de tamaño pequeño a mediano. Se produjeron tarjetas de interfaz para los racks de expansión de E/S 90-30, VersaMax y Genius de GE, así como para las redes DeviceNet y Profibus.

Modos de control del panel rápido

Los modelos de QuickPanel Control son un poco más sencillos que sus contrapartes de View, gracias a su gran conjunto de características inherentes que admite de forma nativa múltiples configuraciones en sus pocos modelos. En pocas palabras, para la mayoría de los casos de uso, los usuarios solo necesitan elegir un tamaño de pantalla, un tipo de pantalla a color o mono y una superposición.

Consideraciones sobre los accesorios QuickPanel

Hay disponible una amplia gama de accesorios para la familia de interfaces de operador GE QuickPanel IC754. Para encontrar accesorios para su año y versión de panel en particular, sugerimos consultar el Catálogo de sistemas de control de GE correspondiente y/o la Guía del usuario de sus modelos específicos para obtener los números de pieza correctos (o comuníquese con su distribuidor local de hardware de productos heredados).

Los accesorios QuickPanel incluyen:

  • Tarjetas de comunicación
  • Kits de inicio
  • Tarjetas adaptadoras de memoria PCMCIA
  • Módulos de expansión de memoria
  • Juntas de montaje
  • Clips de montaje y kits de conexión de alimentación
  • Biseles de acero inoxidable
  • Kits de adaptadores de montaje en panel (es decir, instalación de un panel de 8" en un recorte heredado de 9")
  • Cables de E/S (control QuickPanel)
  • Kit de cables y hardware de comunicación de red/PLC (QuickPanel View)

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Quickpanel

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Quickpanel de segunda mano del mundo.


The IC755CSS10CDACA by GE Fanuc features a touchscreen input type and supports RS-232 and RS-485 communication protocols, making it suitable for various industrial automation applications. The device also has a built-in USB and Ethernet port for easy connectivity to other devices and systems. In addition, it comes with an HMI-CAB-CS10 communication cable and weighs around 8 lbs. Its dimension is 17 x 14 x 8 inches. It is also Energy Star certified, making it an energy-efficient option.


The IC755CSS12CDA is a 12.1-inch TFT LCD display by GE Fanuc in the Quickpanel series. It features a resolution of 800 x 600 WVGA with 65,536 colors and 450 cd/m2 brightness. It has a projective capacitive touch screen with two-point functionality and runs on a processor with 1GB DDR3 RAM and 512 MB SLC NAND ROM. The IC755CSS12CDA has 2 Ethernet ports, 2 USB ports, 1 RS-232 UART port, 1 RS-232/485 port, and an SD/SDHC card slot for storage.


Catalog #IC755CSS12CDB is a compact operator interface by Emerson Automation's QuickPanel+ series. It functions as a Human Machine Interface (HMI), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), process controller, machine gateway, and data historian. It has a 12-inch color display with a resolution of 800x600 pixels and a projected 2-point capacitive touchscreen interface. It has 1GB of DDR3 SDRAM and 512MB of SLC NAND Flash memory. In addition, The IC755CSS12CDB has 2 Fast Ethernet ports and 2 serial interfaces for communication.


The IC755CSS12CDBCA is a QuickPanel+ operator terminal manufactured by Emerson Automation for industrial applications such as process and machine automation. It features a 12.1-inch TFT LCD and a processor with a clock speed of 1GHz. The IC755CSS12CDBCA has a built-in memory of up to 1 GB (512 MB ROM). Additionally, it has Ethernet, RS232, and RS485 communication ports. It runs on a 24 Volts DC external, and its maximum power consumption is 12 watts.


The IC755CSS15CDA is a high-performance microprocessor-based Operator Interface (OI) by Emerson Automation. It features a powerful 1GHz processor, 2D/3D graphics processing unit, and a powerful media accelerator. The IC755CSS15CDA has a 15-inch projected capacitive display with a multi-touch screen interface, an SVGA resolution of 1024 x 768, and a bezel with the manufacturer's branding. It also offers 2 serial interfaces, one for RS232 point-to-point connection and the other for RS485 daisy-chain topology, and dual Ethernet interfaces that support 10/100Mbps transmission speed.


The IC755CSS15CDACA is an operator terminal from Emerson Automation. It has a 15-inch display with a projected capacitive screen and supports multi-touch technology. It is equipped with a robust processor and 1 GB of DDR3 SDRAM. And it has 2 Ethernet ports, 1 RS-232 port, and USB peripheral support. It consumes 30 watts of power and has a current rating of 2.5 or 1.25 Amps. It can be mounted using a VESA mount. It is compact, easy to use, and suitable for industrial environments.


The IC755CSW07CDA is a high-performance operator terminal designed for use in industrial environments. This QuickPanel+ device, manufactured by Emerson Automation, is a versatile Human Machine Interface (HMI) that allows for real-time monitoring and control of connected machines or processes. It features a 7-inch widescreen TFT LCD with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, providing clear and detailed visuals for operators. And its projected capacitive, multi-touch interface allows for easy and intuitive operation.


The IC755CBS15CDA is a QuickPanel+ operator terminal from Emerson Automation. This Human Machine Interface (HMI) device, previously manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP), has a 15-inch TFT-LCD screen with a 1024 x 768 in XGA format. The IC755CBS15CDA is colored, allowing for the display of color-coded animations and status indicators. This display terminal is a practical solution for complex industrial applications that require a precise representation of the machine processes.


The GE Fanuc IC755CKW10CDM is an interface terminal from the QuickPanel+ product line. This terminal can display application data for the operators of an automation system and it can allow the operators to control the connected automation system and its applications accurately. The IC755CKW10CDM terminal has a 10-inch color touchscreen which is also an LCD screen. The resolution of this touchscreen is 800 x 600.


The IC755CSS06RDA QuickPanel+ operator terminal is a human-machine interface (HMI) device manufactured by Emerson Automation, formerly by GE Intelligent Platforms. It features a 6-inch TFT LCD screen with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels, providing a clear and vivid display. The device has a resistive touchscreen interface, allowing easy navigation and operation. It is powered by a 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 processor, ensuring high-performance and efficient processing.


The IC755CSS10CDA terminal by GE Fanuc's QuickPanel+ is built with a strong processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz. And it includes 1 GB of RAM and 512 MB of ROM for storage. It also features 2 Ethernet ports, 1 RS-232 UART port, 1 RS-232/485 port, and 2 USB 2.0 ports for connectivity. Additionally, it has an SD/SDHC card slot for additional storage. This terminal is designed for industrial control and automation applications. Overall, it is a reliable and powerful choice for your system.


The GE Fanuc IC755ACC15PRO kit is a spare parts kit that contains screen protectors. The screen protectors in this kit are designed for use with GE QuickPanel+ terminals that have 15-inch screens because the screen protectors are 15 inches wide. The IC755ACC15PRO screen protector kit contains 3 screen protectors which can protect the screen of a QuickPanel+ terminal from scratches. The screen protectors from the IC755ACC15PRO kit should only be applied to screens that have been cleaned, dried, and prepared for the installation of the new screen protector.


The IC755CBS06RDA is a 6-inch touchscreen Quickpanel+ terminal by Emerson Automation. It is part of the Quick panel series. The device is powered by an ARM A8 microprocessor, and it has 512 megabytes of RAM. It operates on 24 Volts DC input voltage and has a maximum power input of 15 Watts. The IC755CBS06RDA is compact and lightweight, measuring 192 x 137 x 36 mm and weighing 1.54 pounds. It also has 1 Ethernet port for data exchange with other devices.


The IC755CBS10CDA is a control terminal from Emerson Automation that is part of the Quickpanel+ series. It has a 10-inch color TFT display and a blank bezel and weighs 2.4 kg. It can be mounted using a panel or VESA and has a storage temperature range of -10 to 60 degrees Celsius and an operating temperature range of 0 to 55 degrees Celsius. It has a maximum relative humidity of 85% and is compliant with RoHS, NEMA 4X, ATEX Zone 2, IP65F, UL 60950, and CE standards. The power consumption is 30 watts, and it operates with 12/24 Volts DC with a 3-pin connector and a +/-20% tolerance.


The IC755CBS12CDB is a QuickPanel+ operator terminal with a blank bezel by Emerson Automation. It is a Human Machine Interface (HMI) and features a 12.1-inch standard TFT LCD. It has a projected capacitive touchscreen and a two-point multi-touch operator interface. It is powered by a processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz and operates on an input supply voltage of 24 VDC. The built-in memory includes 1 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 512 MB SLC NAND ROM, and 512 KB SRAM. The IC755CBS12CDB has 1 Ethernet port, 1 RS232 UART, and 1 RS232/RS45.


The IC754VSL06MTD is a 6-inch monochrome display by Emerson Automation. It is part of the Quick Panel product series. It is an advanced compact Human Machine Interface (HMI) device. The unit also has inbuilt RS232 and 485 and Ethernet ports for connectivity, and USB ports for reliable external storage. It runs on 12-30V DC power and has a maximum power consumption of 15 watts. It has 32GB of built-in memory and uses an HMI-CAB-CS2 cable. The display is monochrome, and the input is touchscreen.


The IC754VSL12CTD is a multipurpose Human Machine Interface (HMI) product created for industrial purposes. It belongs to the Quick Panel View product line and is made by Emerson Automation. This compact color display module has diverse communication ports, including conventional point-to-point interfaces. It operates on a supply voltage range of 12 to 30 Volts Direct Current, consuming 48 Watts of power. In addition, this industrial terminal features a vivid and clear display with a CCFL light source.


The IC755ACC07ADP is a panel adapter kit that converts 8-inch Quickpanel terminals to 7-inch Quickpanel+ devices. The kit comes with a mounting gasket, VESA 75 mount, and all the necessary brackets for installation. The operating temperature range for this device is 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. It features 3 USB ports and 1 RS-232 COM port for serial I/O. The device is powered by 24 VDC (external supply) and has a maximum power consumption of 15W.


The GE Fanuc IC755ACC07GAS is a gasket specifically designed for the 7-inch Quickpanel+ equipment. It offers a seal for the panels, protecting them from dust, moisture, and other environmental factors. The gasket is easy to install, with mounting brackets included. And it is designed to have a torque range of 0.3 N-m for the mounting clamps. It cools through natural convection. Hence it doesn't require an external cooling system. Also, it is designed to be robust and long-lasting.


The IC755ACC07PRO by GE Fanuc Quickpanel is a screen protector designed for 7-inch Quickpanel+ terminals. The pack includes 3 units of screen protectors that are easy to install and provide protection against scratches. The screen protectors are compatible with environments that are pollution degree 2 (ul60950-1) and can withstand temperatures of 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. This accessory is an ideal solution for protecting the display of your Quickpanel+ terminals and prolonging the life of your device.


The GE IC755ACC10GAS terminal gasket is a replacement gasket for 10-inch touchscreen terminals from the GE Fanuc QuickPanel+ product line. This gasket is used to provide support to the terminal that hosts it and it makes it easy for the operators to mount the terminal properly. The IC755ACC10GAS gasket also comes with mounting brackets. It can replace a broken, worn out, or otherwise damaged or degraded gasket on a QuickPanel+ 10-inch terminal to extend the terminal's operating life.


The IC755ACC10PRO screen protector is designed for 10-inch industrial touchscreens. It is made by GE Fanuc Automation and is compatible with QuickPanel Plus interface terminals. The screen protector protects TFC LCD screens with a high resolution of SVGA 800 x 600 and a capacitive touch display. To ensure proper function and prevent damage, users should use a stylus or gloved hand on the screen and avoid trapping air bubbles during installation. The IC755ACC10PRO comes in a set of 3 for extended use.


The IC755ACC12GAS is a 12-inch replacement gasket by GE Fanuc for use with QuickPanel Plus operator interface modules. It is part of the QuickPanel Plus IC755 product line. It is designed to extend the operating life of the module by providing sturdy protection and allowing for mounting into various structures. To extend the life of the module and gasket, users should maintain environmental conditions within recommended limits and minimize panel insertion/removal. The IC755ACC12GAS can tolerate temperatures up to 50°C and relative humidity up to 85% (non-condensing).


The GE Fanuc IC755ACC15GAS is a replacement gasket for 15-inch Quick panel+ display devices. Measuring 15.71 x 12.72 x 2.76 inches and weighing 9.83 pounds, the gasket requires a cutout of 14.92 x 12.01 inches or a VESA mount of 3.94 x 3.94 inches for installation. The metal enclosure must have an IP 65 protection rating and be installed in a well-ventilated location protected from rain, dust, corrosive gases, and direct sunlight.


The IC754VSI12CTD from GE Fanuc is a Human Machine Interface (HMI) device. It belongs to the Quick Panel+ product line. It has a 12.1TFT LCD, providing a crystal-clear, high-resolution view of process data and machine status. It is incredibly responsive, making it easy to navigate and operate, thanks to 32 MB RAM. Additionally, the IC754VSI12CTD has ample storage for applications and data. Also, it has 1 Ethernet interface and 1 serial RS232/RS422 combo port.


The IC754VSI12MTD is a 12.1-inch operator interface made by GE-Fanuc for industrial applications. It's part of the QuickPanel family of devices and features a resistive touchscreen TFT monochrome display with 256 shades of gray. It runs on 12V or 24V DC and consumes a max of 48W. Its backlight is rated for 50,000 hours. In addition, it has 2 LEDs for status information, an RS-232/RS-485 serial interface, and a 10/100 Ethernet interface.


The GE Fnuc's IC754VSL06CTD is a color touchscreen terminal from the Quick Panel+ series. It has an 800x480 WVGA resolution and an LED-backlit display. And it has a projected capacitive touchscreen. And it runs on a powerful 1GHz processor. The IC754VSL06CTD has 512MB RAM, 512KB SRAM with battery backup, and 256MB ROM. It features RS232/RS485 communication port, SD card slot, USB, Ethernet, and RS-232 ports. It has IP65 rated enclosure and is suitable for use at 0-50 degrees Celsius temperatures.


The IC754VSB06MTD is a QuickPanel View operator terminal from GE Fanuc. This device is designed to function as a Human Machine Interface (HMI) and is ideal for use in industrial environments. The IC754VSB06MTD features a 6-inch TFT LCD that is bright and easy to read, even in low-light conditions. The IC754VSB06MTD offers a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, ensuring that the information displayed is clear and crisp. The IC754VSB06MTD has a 400 MHz processor and 64 MB of memory, making it an efficient and powerful HMI solution.


The IC754VSF12CTD is an operator interface by Emerson Automation's Quickpanel series. It is designed for industrial automation systems and features a 12-inch flat-panel display with 65,536 colors and a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels. It uses a special mechanism to provide a bright and clear interface screen and is operated by a touchscreen. The IC754VSF12CTD must be mounted on a flat surface and requires adequate ventilation. It also has various communication ports such as CompactFlash card, USB, Ethernet, expansion bus, and flash memory.


The GE Fanuc IC754VSF15CTD is a Human Machine Interface for machines. It has a large 15-inch color TFT display, making it an ideal choice for applications requiring a high-resolution visual interface. Its touchscreen input interface provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface for machine operators. With 64 MB of SD card storage, 512 KB SRAM, 64 MB DRAM, and 512 KB, IC754VSF15CTD has ample memory to handle even the most complex applications.


The IC754VSI06MTD GE Quick Panel is a user-friendly operator terminal for the industrial machines. It has a monochrome or color display option. The 6 (inches) display size allows for easy input and control through the touchscreen and RS485 and RS232 ports. It has an input power of 12 to 30 volts DC and 32 MB of internal memory. The IC754VSI06MTD color model uses passive STN technology and has a backlight timer for extended life.


The GE Fanuc IC754VSI06STD is a compact Human Machine Interface device that allows for efficient monitoring and control of factory operations. Its flush mount design is suitable for industrial enclosures rated NEMA 4, 4x, and 12 or IP65. The IC754VSI06STD has various communication interfaces, such as an RS232/422/485 and others. With a 5.7 color display and a touch-sensitive membrane, this HMI provides easy and convenient operator interaction with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels.


The IC754VBL06CTD is a QuickPanel device by Emerson Automation, formerly by GE Fanuc Automation. It has a 6-inch color display screen with a wide range of color options and a resolution of 32x240 pixels. It has an analog resistive touchscreen interface. It is powered by a powerful processor with a clock speed of 300 MHz, 64 MB Flash Memory, 512KB SRAM, 64 MB DRAM, and a 512KB Boot loader. It provides an interface for monitoring and controlling processes.


The IC754VGI06MTD features a 6-inch TFT LCD screen with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and a multi-touch capacitive touchscreen interface. It is equipped with a powerful processor running 624 MHz, 64 MB of flash memory, and 128 MB of RAM. The IC754VGI06MTD supports multiple industrial communication protocols such as RS232, RS485, and Ethernet, allowing seamless integration with other devices and systems. It also has an IP65-rated front bezel and IP66-rated housing.


Catalog Number IC754VGI08CTD QuickPanel from GE Fanuc is an operator interface. It features an 8-inch color TFT LCD screen with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, making it easy to visualize and monitor system's performance. It has a resistive touchscreen interface for easy navigation and control. In addition, it contains inbuilt RS485 and RS232 ports for seamless connectivity with other hardware components. With its durable design and long-lasting lithium metal battery, it is built to withstand even the most demanding industrial environments.


Part Number IC754VGL06CTD QuickPanel View by Emerson Automation (formerly GE Fanuc) is an excellent solution for your industrial automation and control applications. It features a vibrant 6-inch color display with a high resolution of 320x240 pixels and an intuitive touchscreen interface. And it is powered by a powerful processor with 400 Mhz clock speed, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. With 64 MB of memory, this device can easily handle and store large amounts of data.


The GE Fanuc IC754CSL12CTD terminal is an operator interface terminal in the Quick Panel series. This operator interface functions as a microcomputer and has been designed to be flexible. It has multiple communication ports that allow it to connect to multiple devices. This operator interface includes memory types such as DRAM with 512 MB capacity and non-volatile flash memory with 256 MB capacity.


The Emerson Automation QuickPanel IC754CSX06CTD is a color touchscreen terminal. This equipment allows operators to monitor and control industrial equipment and processes. It is equipped with a 6-inch display and RS232 and RS485 communication capabilities, which enable a wide range of industrial protocols. It has a power input of 12 to 30 VDC and 32 MB of memory. And it is designed to be user-friendly, providing real-time data access, control, and alarms, helping to improve efficiency and productivity.


The IC754VBI06MTD is an operator interface terminal device tailored for industrial settings. Created by GE Fanuc, this electronic equipment has a monochrome display measuring 5.75 inches. Equipped with various memory options, including 32 MB of Flash, 512 KB of SRAM, 32 MB of DRAM, and 512 KB of ROM, this operator terminal also offers Ethernet and RS232/RS485 communication ports for seamless connectivity, and it requires an external 24VDC (nominal) input power for the operation.


The IC754VBI06STD is a 6-inch color touchscreen QuickPanel device by Emerson Automation. It is part of the GE Quick Panel series and provides an interactive interface for controlling and monitoring systems. The device operates through touchscreen input and has RS232 and RS485 communication ports for exchanging data with other devices. It requires 12-30 VDC power input and 32MB of memory. It has a shipping weight of 5 lbs and dimensions of 14 x 12 x 10 inches.


The IC754VBI08CTD is a QuickPanel View/Control operator terminal from Emerson Automation. It features an 8-inch resistive touch screen display that is a color Thin Film Transistor (TFT) type with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and can display 65,000 colors, with 16 bits per pixel. The display is equipped with a backlight with an expected half-life of 50,000 hours, providing high visibility. This operator terminal allows operators to monitor and control industrial equipment and processes in an easy-to-use interface.


The IC754VBI12CTD is a user-friendly operator interface made by General Electric. It is part of the QuickPanel product line. It features a 12-inch touch-sensitive display screen, allowing easy input and communication with the machine. It uses RS-232 and RS-485 ports to connect to other equipment. And it can operate on either 12V or 24V DC power. Also, it is lightweight and compact, weighing 10 pounds and 16 x 14 x 8 inches in shipping dimensions, making it easy to install and transport.


The IC754CSF12CTD terminal is a GE Fanuc QuickPanel series interface terminal. Its power ratings include 24 Volts DC of voltage, 2 Amps of current, and 48 Watts of power. The IC754CSF12CTD terminal operates as a human-machine interface terminal for industrial machine systems. This terminal is controlled by a touchscreen that is 12 inches wide and that has color graphics. The IC754CSF12CTD terminal supports a panel mounting option.


The GE Fanuc IC754CSF15CTD is a 15-inch color operator interface terminal for industrial automation and control applications. It features a touchscreen input type and a TFT LCD with a resolution of 320x240 pixels. And it comes with inbuilt RS232 and RS485 communication options and can be powered by either 12 or 24 VDC. It has a memory of 64 MB, allowing for efficient data storage and retrieval. This product is part of the GE QuickPanel product line.


The GE Quickpanel IC754CSL06CTD is a smart visualization device that serves as a Human Machine Interface for industrial automation systems. It facilitates the integration of Programmable Logic Controller data and presents it in an easily understandable format for monitoring and controlling connected machinery or processes. The IC754CSL06CTD has a 6-inch colored graphic display, a touchscreen interface, and built-in communication ports such as Ethernet, Serial, DP25S combo, RS232, and USB interfaces.


Part Number ES0600 is an interface device by Emerson Automation. Its interactive interface allows operators to control and monitor systems from a central location. It features a 6-inch screen in excellent resolution. In addition, it has a powerful processor and 16 MB of flash memory, 16 MB of DRAM, and 512 KB of ROM. This interface device also has Ethernet and COM1 ports for communication with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).


The ES0611 is an operator interface for industrial control applications by Emerson Electric. With its 6-inch color touchscreen display, the ES0611 allows for easy and intuitive control of manufacturing processes. It requires an external power supply of 24V DC. And it features communication options through RS232 and RS485 ports, making it highly versatile and easy to integrate with other equipment. With its lightweight design and compact shipping dimensions, the ES0611 is easy to install and maintain.


The ES0622 is a 6-inch color touchscreen Quick Panel device by Emerson Automation. It provides an interactive interface for controlling and monitoring machines. It has a color display screen and a resistive touch panel with 12-bit resolution and supports communication through RS-232 and RS485 ports. It requires 24 volts of DC power and comes with an HMI-CAB-CS11 cable. It can be operated using a blunt stylus to avoid screen damage.


The ES1222 is a product by Emerson Electric. It is a Human Machine Interface (HMI). It allows operators to monitor and control industrial equipment and processes. It features a 12-inch Thin-Film-Transistor (TFT) LCD screen with 800 x 600 pixel resolution and a Cold Cathode Fluorescent backlight with 50,000 hours of half-life. The device has a resistive touchscreen surface, allowing the operators to enter data, control operations, and configure applications via an on-screen keyboard or an optional external keyboard.


The IC754CBL06CTD is a compact touchscreen operator interface made by Emerson Automation. It belongs to the QuickPanel+ series of HMIs used in industrial control applications. It features a 1GHz microprocessor, 512MB of RAM, 256MB of ROM, and 512KB of SRAM with battery backup. It has 3 color LED status lights, an RJ45 Ethernet, an RS232, and RS485, one USB device port, two USB host ports, and a Compact flash card slot. It's supplied with 24 Volts DC and has a power consumption of 15 watts.

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