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Allen Bradley - Motors

1326 Motors

1326 servomotores

Para aplicaciones de movimiento que necesitan precisión, los servomotores son los dispositivos electrónicos de moda. Estos motores son solo para uso de fábrica. Los servomotores 1326 de Allen Bradley son una familia de motores de alto rendimiento que abarcan todas las características necesarias de los servomotores de alta calidad. Los servomotores 1326, junto con un controlador adecuado, se utilizan para múltiples aplicaciones. Principalmente, estos servomotores se utilizan con controladores 1391 que son, en esencia, servocontroladores de CA. Estos motores son motores de CA, su construcción es sin escobillas y su producción de flujo es síncrona. Estos motores están equipados con un resolver que proporciona retroalimentación sinusoidal o co-sinusoidal para determinar la posición o la velocidad del rotor. La construcción y las especificaciones de estos motores se analizan en detalle a continuación.

Construcción y Características de la Familia 1326

Devanados de estator de servomotores 1326

El material y la construcción de los devanados del estator afectan la vida útil del motor, la eficiencia, los sistemas de enfriamiento, etc. En otras palabras, la construcción cuidadosa de los devanados del estator es muy importante. Actualmente, la técnica de devanado sinusoidal, que es la técnica más exitosa, se utiliza para suprimir los armónicos más altos en el campo magnético del entrehierro para que los bordes del MMF sean suaves o el MMF tenga la forma más sinusoidal posible. Los motores 1326 también emplean esta técnica para construir el devanado del estator, lo que hace que estos motores sean eficientes, allana el camino para un funcionamiento suave y silencioso, incluso a bajas velocidades, y permite la transferencia de calor al ambiente. Además, para indicaciones de sobrecarga térmica o sobrecalentamiento, este devanado tiene una solución única. Un interruptor térmico está conectado en serie en el devanado que normalmente está cerrado. Si la temperatura del devanado supera el límite estipulado, este interruptor abriría una corriente de desconexión del devanado y, por lo tanto, detendría el motor. Por lo general, el interruptor se abrirá a 150 °C y se cerrará cuando la temperatura vuelva a estar entre 90 °C y 100 °C.

Para mantener las pérdidas bajas y el devanado seguro, también se presta atención a su aislamiento. Allen Bradley ha utilizado un sistema de aislamiento para los devanados de esta familia de servomotores 1326 que cuenta con el reconocimiento de UL.

Rotor de servomotores 1326

Para una respuesta más rápida y precisa del motor, después de recibir la señal de control, se prefiere el uso de imanes al uso de acción de reluctancia o inducción. Por lo tanto, los rotores de los servomotores 1326 también utilizan imanes permanentes de alta energía para generar flujo y una respuesta rápida. Para mantener bajos los costos del motor y mantener buenos estándares de rendimiento, se utilizan imanes de ferrita. Para estos motores se encuentran disponibles diferentes longitudes de pila de imanes.

Clases de voltaje

Para varias familias o series de servomotores de Allen Bradley, las clases de voltaje son 200 y 400 voltios. Y esos motores funcionan a 220V y 440V aproximadamente. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de servomotores 1326, tienen clases de voltaje de 460V y 380V. Esto corresponde a su uso y aplicación (obsérvese que estos motores son exclusivamente para uso de fábrica).

Frenos de retención para los motores

Allen Bradley ha diseñado servomotores 1326 con frenos de retención integrales. Estos frenos son frenos de resorte que tienen opciones de bobinas de 90 V CC (con códigos 'A4', 'A5', 'A7') o 24 V CC (con códigos 'K4', 'K5', 'K7'). A4, A5 y A7 con freno de CC de 90 V tienen un par de retención de 8,1 Nm, 13,6 Nm y 45,2 Nm, respectivamente. De manera similar, K4, K5 y K7 con freno de 24 V CC tienen valores de par de retención de 8,1 Nm, 13,6 Nm y 45,2 Nm, respectivamente.

Para obtener un voltaje de CC de 90 V para los frenos, la fuente de alimentación del freno (código '1326-MOD-BPS) está allí y convierte 115 V CA al nivel de voltaje de CC necesario. Esta fuente de alimentación es un kit de modificación. Tiene un rectificador monofásico de onda completa en su circuito. Este rectificador tiene un supresor de picos para un funcionamiento seguro y está montado con tornillos. Un rectificador (en otras palabras, una fuente de alimentación) puede alimentar hasta 4 frenos.

Para frenos de 24 V CC, el usuario puede utilizar una fuente de alimentación que proporcione una salida de 24 V CC con una corriente que oscila entre 0,88 A y 1,2 A.

El freno en los servomotores 1326 mantiene la carga en reposo. Además, también puede proporcionar un par de frenado limitado en caso de emergencia. Allen Bradley sugiere a los usuarios de este servomotor que se aseguren de que el freno no se activa y desactiva más de 90 veces en una hora cuando funciona como freno de estacionamiento. Porque en tal situación podría representar un daño.

Señales de retroalimentación y resolución

Para una respuesta eficiente y precisa del motor después de recibir la señal de entrada, los controladores necesitan obtener retroalimentación de posición o velocidad o calcular estimaciones de estos parámetros. En los servomotores 1326, Allen Bradley ha utilizado un resolver sin escobillas (estándar) que envía información de posición, velocidad y conmutación al controlador. Los resolutores instalados en servomotores vienen en configuraciones de una sola vuelta (código 'S') o de varias vueltas (código 'M').

Los motores con configuración de una sola vuelta dan dos millones de conteos en una revolución para proporcionar la posición precisa del rotor. Por otro lado, los motores con configuración multivuelta dan un millón de conteos en una revolución y la posición absoluta del rotor en 4096 revoluciones. Esto es para proporcionar una posición de referencia al momento de la puesta en marcha de la máquina.

No existe un circuito electrónico integrado que haga que la máquina sea más rígida y resistente en entornos hostiles. Esto hace que el sistema tolere temperaturas relativamente más altas y más vibraciones.

Los servomotores 1326 instalados con codificador también son una opción.

Para obtener señales de realimentación, el fabricante proporciona cables sellados (detalles en la sección de cables).

Estos motores cumplen con IP65 o IP67 (dependiendo de la presencia del sello del eje). Si se tiende a usar un codificador o resolver montado externamente, entonces el motor pierde el cumplimiento de las clasificaciones IP65 e IP67.

En el paquete de accesorios de los servomotores 1326, también se incluye un kit de adaptador de montaje de retroalimentación. Estos kits son de 8 tipos diferentes. Cada tipo de kit incluye un adaptador de montaje del dispositivo de retroalimentación, así como hardware de montaje. Allen Bradley advierte a sus compradores que en los servomotores 1326, no se debe usar un kit de montaje de adaptador de retroalimentación si se usa un codificador de alta resolución con fines de retroalimentación. Algunos de estos implican el acoplamiento del motor al codificador.

Sello de eje y eje

Los servomotores 1326 tienen ejes verticales adecuados para montaje hacia arriba y hacia abajo. Para que los acoplamientos sean seguros, hay un orificio roscado en la cara del eje. Para esta familia de servomotores también existe una opción de sello de eje. El uso de un sello de eje hará que el motor soporte condiciones ambientales adversas. Hará que el motor sea hermético al polvo y le permitirá soportar pulsos de chorro de agua sin que entre agua en el motor. Estos sellos de eje están hechos de material Viton y no es necesario desarmar el motor para instalar este sello de eje. El montaje del eje tiene opciones de Std. Pulgadas y Métricas.

En el paquete de accesorios para este motor, Allen Bradley también ha incluido el kit de sello de aceite del eje fabricado específicamente para la familia de servomotores 1326 (con el número de configuración '1326AB–MOD–SSV–xx). Este kit se puede utilizar cuando el eje del motor esté sujeto a salpicaduras de aceite. De todos modos, si el eje del motor se sumerge en aceite u otros líquidos, ya sea parcial o totalmente, este kit no se puede utilizar.

La presencia y ausencia de un sello de eje también afecta el cumplimiento de las clasificaciones y estándares. Para estos motores, la clasificación IP65 es estándar. De todos modos, después de la instalación del sello del eje, el equipo cumple con IP67 (representado con el código 'L'). Ser compatible con IP67 significa que el motor puede sumergirse en agua durante media hora y que esta masa de agua no debe tener una profundidad superior a un metro. El fabricante proporciona los motores con clasificación IP67 con un sello de eje instalado de fábrica y, por lo tanto, no necesitan un kit de aceite de eje.

Salida de par

Los servomotores 1326 tienen una densidad de par bastante buena. Estos motores son capaces de proporcionar un par nominal continuo del 100 % en condiciones de parada. Si se utiliza un kit de refrigeración por soplador para mantener baja la temperatura del motor, se puede obtener un 35 % más de par en casi todos los motores de estructura 'C' de la familia 1326AB. Este kit de enfriamiento del soplador (con el número de configuración '1326AB–MOD–Mx) viene como un accesorio de Allen Bradley. Este kit también se puede utilizar para motores que tienen frenos. Además, este kit se puede archivar montado para motores tipo 1326AB–Cxx en su parte trasera. Para estos motores, el par nominal se mide cuando la temperatura ambiente del motor es de 40 °C, la temperatura ambiente del controlador es de 60 °C y los devanados están a su temperatura nominal. Normalmente, el par máximo es el 200 % del par nominal, pero puede llegar hasta el 300 % del par nominal si el par RMS (Root Mean Squared) es igual o inferior al par nominal.

Gestión Térmica

La construcción de estos servomotores 1326 es TENV (totalmente cerrado no ventilado). Por lo tanto, el aire no sopla libremente desde las partes internas del motor hacia el ambiente. En su lugar, se utilizan ventiladores o sopladores externos para mantener baja la temperatura. Como se mencionó anteriormente, Allen Bradley proporciona kits de enfriamiento de soplador como accesorio para mantener la temperatura por debajo del límite. Además, dos interruptores térmicos están conectados en serie. Al detectar temperatura por encima del límite estipulado, los interruptores se abren e interrumpen la operación. Estos interruptores se abren si la temperatura alcanza los 150°C y cierran el circuito cuando el motor se enfría a 90°C - 100°C. Uno de estos interruptores tiene una capacidad nominal de 1 A y 115 V CA, mientras que el segundo es de 1 A y 24 V CC.

Debe tenerse en cuenta que la familia de servomotores 1326 tiene clasificación IP65. Si el usuario utiliza un paquete de soplador montado externamente, el motor ya no cumple con la clasificación IP65.

Para estos servomotores, la estructura exterior se extruye y se construye con aluminio, lo que mejora aún más las perspectivas de una mejor descarga de calor al medio ambiente.

Cables y Conectores

Allen Bradley ofrece la opción de tres tipos de cables para la retroalimentación del resolver y la alimentación para los servomotores 1326. Estos se conocen como cable estándar (cable flexible), cable de seguimiento (cable flexible múltiple) o cable de longitud extendida (ES). Los tres cables están sellados ambientalmente. Estos cables vienen en longitudes de hasta 30 m. Mientras se utiliza un variador 1391B–ES o un variador 1391–DES, hay disponibles cables con longitudes de hasta 90 m (cable de longitud extendida). Allen Bradley advierte a sus usuarios que cuelguen o tiendan todos los cables 24 horas antes de la instalación.

En lo que respecta a los conectores, para los servomotores 1326, los conectores con especificaciones MIL (conectores militares) son estándar. Estos son conectores tipo carcasa, por lo que la conexión no se ve afectada por las condiciones ambientales y el equipo también podría usarse en entornos hostiles. Estos conectores se montan radialmente con el motor.

Al igual que muchos otros accesorios, Allen Bradley proporciona un juego de caja de conexiones con el número de catálogo 1326AB–MOD–RJxx, que tiene un conector montado axialmente. Esta versión del conector permite al usuario llevar el conector del motor axialmente hacia el motor y no radialmente. Esto hace que uno también evite cualquier cableado adicional. De todos modos, el uso del kit de caja de conexiones hace que los servomotores 1326 pierdan su clasificación IP67.


Tener memoria integrada es una de las características únicas de los servomotores 1326. Los motores con ambos tipos de configuraciones (una vuelta y varias vueltas) tienen memoria EEPROM (memoria de solo lectura programable y borrable eléctricamente) integrada. Esto es básicamente para almacenar información de configuración del motor, lo que ahorrará algo de tiempo en el arranque.

Longitud y diámetro del marco

Los servomotores 1326 están rotulados secuencialmente correspondientes a diámetros de bastidor crecientes. El código similar 'A' es para un motor que tiene un marco de 4,25 pulgadas de diámetro, 'B' para 5,88 pulgadas de diámetro y 'C' para 7,63 pulgadas de diámetro. De manera similar, para los tamaños de marco dados, las longitudes de pila se representan mediante números asignados secuencialmente.

Velocidad de salida de los servomotores 1326

La familia de servomotores 1326 de Allen Bradley puede producir una velocidad operativa máxima de hasta 5000 rpm. Para los motores ES y DES, esta velocidad alcanza las 6000 rpm (revoluciones por minuto). A las diferentes opciones de velocidad máxima de operación se les asignan códigos alfabéticos. Los códigos y las respectivas velocidades máximas se mencionan a continuación.

  • Código 'B' para una velocidad operativa máxima estándar de 1600 rpm y 2000 rpm para opciones de motor ES/DES.
  • Código 'C' para una velocidad operativa máxima estándar de 2000 rpm y 3000 rpm para opciones de motor ES/DES.
  • Código 'E' para una velocidad operativa máxima estándar de 3000 rpm y 4000 rpm para opciones de motor ES/DES.
  • Código 'G' para una velocidad operativa máxima estándar de 5000 rpm y 6000 rpm para opciones de motor ES/DES.

Las curvas de par y velocidad de estos servomotores detallan el rendimiento del motor. Si un motor y un controlador que funcionan a una velocidad específica producen el 70 % del par nominal continuo, esa velocidad se designará como la velocidad nominal. De todos modos, en ese momento, el motor estará funcionando a 25 °C y la temperatura del controlador a 60 °C.

Análisis de rendimiento

Como ya se mencionó, los servomotores 1326 de Allen Bradley se utilizan para aplicaciones de movimiento de alta gama. La construcción inteligente de la máquina, la presencia de múltiples herramientas y el sistema de retroalimentación de alta resolución permiten que estos servomotores realicen servoaplicaciones con precisión. Más específicamente, los servomotores 1326 proporcionan un equilibrio de precisión de 0,0005 pulgadas o 0,0127 mm en el desplazamiento total de pico a pico.

Navegue por nuestra selección de 1326 Motores

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades 1326 Motors de segunda mano en el mundo.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-A1G-11 AC Servo Motor is a synchronous motor designed for precision motion control in various industrial applications. It has a three-phase power supply and a maximum rated speed of 5000 rotations per minute (RPM), with a motor-rated output of 0.9 kilowatts. The 1326AB-A1G-11 motor can provide a continuous torque of 1.8 N-m (16 pounds on an inch), making it excellent for demanding applications that require consistent performance over extended periods.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-A2E-11-0328A motor from the Bulletin 1326 series is a brushless servo motor that can operate with AC voltage and support up to 3000 RPM of operating speed. Its flange has a keyway and it is an inch or combination type of flange. The 1326AB-A2E-11-0328A motor has a continuous torque rating of 3.6 N-m and a peak stall torque rating of 10.84 N-m. This motor can support an IP65 protection rating.


The Rockwell Automation Catalog #1326AB-A2E-11-2287B is a high-performance AC permanent magnet servo motor designed for industrial applications. Part of the 1326AB high torque series, this motor has a 108 mm frame diameter and can operate at speeds of 3000 to 4000 RPM with a power rating of 1.1 kW. This 1326AB-A2E-11-2287B motor can deliver precise and reliable performance with a torque output of 3.6 Nm and a current rating of 5.2 Amps.


The 1326AB-A2E-21-A4 is an AC servo motor manufactured by Rockwell Automation. It features a 108 mm frame diameter, ensuring high performance with precise and accurate results. With a maximum operating speed of 3000 RPM, this servo motor can be used in various industrial applications. Its flange and shaft series is designed as a NEMA/IEC metric flange with a keyway, making it compatible with different systems. The 1326AB-A2E-21-A4 is excellent for applications that require both high performance and accuracy.


The 1326AB-A3E-21-A4 Servo Motor by Rockwell Automation is a high-performance motor specifically designed for industrial applications. This motor is versatile and easy to install, with a frame diameter of 108mm and an IEC metric flange complete with a keyway. It can operate at speeds of 3000 to 4000 RPM, with a power rating of 1.2 kW and a torque output of 5.4 Nm. Furthermore, it has a current rating of 7.8 Amps, making it a robust and dependable choice for demanding applications.


The 1326AB-A420E-21 servo motor, by Allen-Bradley, is an advanced motor designed for various industrial applications. This motor operates on a 460/380VAC power supply and delivers high performance with a maximum speed of 3000 RPM. It has a torque output of 4.6 Nm (40in-lb) and can drive high-precision equipment and robotics. The 1326AB-A420E-21 motor's precise control, reliability, and accuracy make it an excellent choice for demanding industrial applications.


The 1326AB-B2E-11-2287B is an AC permanent magnet motor by Allen Bradley as part of the 1326AB series. It has a frame diameter of 149 mm, can operate at speeds of 3000/4000 RPM, and generate 2.28 kW of power, making it excellent for high-speed applications. It also delivers a maximum continuous torque of 10.53 Nm and draws 15 amps of current. Its advanced design and high-performance features make it well-suited for various industrial applications.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B2E-11-3396C servo motor is a Bulletin 1326 motor from the 1326AB High Performance motors series. Its rated output power is 2.5 kilowatts. The 1326AB-B2E-11-3396C motor's flange is an inch combination face/flange with a keyway. Its current rating is 15 Amps. The 1326AB-B2E-11-3396C motor's rated motor speed is 3000/4000 RPM. This motor was manufactured with permanent magnets. The 1326AB-B2E-11-3396C motor has a resistance rating of 311 Ohms.


The Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation 1326AB-B3E-11-A5 motor is a Bulletin 1326AB High-Performance series servo motor. Its supported voltage ratings are 380V AC and 460V AC and its supported operating speed ratings are 3000 RPM and 4000 RPM. The 1326AB-B3E-11-A5 motor also supports 22.5 Amps of current, 15.8 N-m of torque, and 3.5 kilowatts of output power. This motor supports an optional holding brake with a torque rating of 13.6 N-m and a voltage rating of 90V DC.


The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1326 Torque Plus Series 1326AB-B410G-21 motor is a servo motor that contains permanent ferrite magnets. Its voltage rating is 460/380 Volts AC. The 1326AB-B410G-21 servo motor's flange is an IEC metric flange that includes a keyway. It can operate at 5000 RPM. The 1326AB-B410G-21 servo motor has a frame diameter of 108 millimeters. The feedback that the motor operates with is resolver-based feedback


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B410G-21-K4 motor is a Bulletin 1326AB Torque Plus series servo motor that supports resolver-based feedback and a DC-powered holding brake. This holding brake operates at a voltage rating of 24V DC and at a torque rating of 8.1 N-m. The 1326AB-B410G-21-K4 motor operates at voltage ratings of 460/380V AC. Its rated speed is 5000 RPM and its rated output is 1 kilowatt. The 1326AB-B410G-21-K4 motor also supports 2.7 N-m of torque.


The Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation 1326AB-B410G-M2L permanent magnet servo motor from the 1326AB Torque Plus series includes a 1-inch stack of ferrite permanent magnets and a frame with a 108-millimeter diameter. The feedback that it uses is multi-turn and high-resolution feedback. The 1326AB-B410G-M2L motor can support a rated speed of up to 5000 RPM and a torque rating of up to 2.7 kilowatts. Its AC voltage rating options are 380 Volts and 460 Volts.


The 1326AB-B410J-21 servo motor has a resolver-based feedback system that monitors the motor's performance during operation. This feedback system allows for accurate control and adjustment of the motor to optimize its performance. The servo motor also includes a 24V DC holding brake with a torque rating of 7.3 N-m to hold the motor in place when power is not supplied. The 1326AB-B410J-21 servo motor is designed with a rugged construction that ensures durability and longevity in industrial environments.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B410J-21-K4 motor is a 1326AC Torque Plus servo motor that has an optional holding brake. The optional holding brake operates at 24V DC and the motor itself operates at 460 or 380V AC. The 1326AB-B410J-21-K4 motor's flange option is a metric flange that has a keyway and its feedback option is feedback that is resolver-based. The highest rated speed that the 1326AB-B410J-21-K4 motor supports is 7250 RPM.


The 1326AB-B420E-21 servo motor has been designed with a flexible mounting system that allows users to mount the motor in various positions. This feature allows the motor to be integrated into a wide range of applications. Furthermore, the motor's extruded aluminum housing design reduces the motor length and facilitates improved heat transfer. This feature helps in keeping the motor operating at an optimal temperature, thereby enhancing its performance and extending its lifespan. The 1326AB-B420E-21 motor also features a UL-listed insulation system that provides added safety to the device. The motor's special flux profile permanent magnets are designed to increase the motor's servo response, which enables it to deliver improved precision and accuracy in its operations.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B420E-21-K4 permanent magnet motor is a Bulletin 1326AB Torque Plus series servo motor. It is capable of operating at 3000 RPM. The 1326AB-B420E-21-K4 motor's flange is a metric flange and it includes a keyway. This motor's frame has a diameter of 108 millimeters. The 1326AB-B420E-21-K4 motor can operate with 460/380V AC of rated voltage. Its current rating is 2.84 Amps and it includes a 24V DC-rated brake.


The 1326AB-B420E-21-X92 is a high-performance servo motor manufactured by Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation. It is designed to operate on a voltage range of 380-460V AC and has a frame diameter of 108 mm. This servo motor has a rated motor speed of 3000 rpm and is incorporated into an IEC Metric Flange with a keyway. The 1326AB-B420E-21-X92 servo motor offers a motor-rated torque of 5 Nm and a motor-rated output of 1.1 kW. It also has a system continuous torque of 5 Nm and a system peak stall torque of 14.9 Nm. The standard option in this servo motor is not applicable and requires users to follow an installation process outlined in the manual for effective operation. However, the manual offers clear instructions that are easy for users to follow during installation.


In addition to its impressive power, torque, and performance, the 1326AB-B420E-M2L servo motor also features several advanced design elements that make it a reliable and efficient choice for various industrial applications. The motor also has a UL-listed insulation system for added safety and durability. With its medium inertia design, this servo motor is ideal for applications such as material handling, machine tool, packaging, and metal forming. Its versatility makes it a popular choice among industrial engineers and manufacturers.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B420E-S2L servo motor has an innovative housing design engineered to reduce the motor's length while improving its torque ratings. To prevent overheating, the motor has a thermal switch that is normally closed and built into the winding. This allows the user to monitor the motor's temperature and prevent it from overheating. Additionally, the 1326AB-B420E-S2L motor is constructed with TENV (totally enclosed, non-ventilated) construction with fins installed on the aluminum housing. This construction results in an increased heat transfer capacity, which helps to dissipate heat and prevent the motor from overheating.


In addition to the extruded aluminum housing for improved heat transfer, the 1326AB-B420H-21 servo motor and other servo motors in the series also come with a UL-listed insulation system to provide safety and reliability. These servo motors have a wide range of applications, including use in material handling, automotive, machine tool, packaging, and metal forming systems. The multiple feedback options available allow for greater flexibility in application design, while the ability to install the servo motors in any orientation adds to their versatility. With their high-performance capabilities and advanced features, the 1326AB-B420H-21 servo motor and others in the series are ideal for demanding industrial environments.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B420H-21-K4 permanent magnet motor is a servo motor from the 1326AB Torque Plus series. It is capable of operating with either 460V AC or 380V AC of rated voltage and its rotor speed rating is 6000 RPM maximum. The 1326AB-B420H-21-K4 motor features a brake that operates at 24V DC. Its torque rating is 5.1 N-m and its output power rating is 2.2 kW. The 1326AB-B420H-21-K4 motor's feedback is resolver-based.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B420H-21-K4L is a servo motor with a 108 mm frame diameter. It can operate at up to 6000 RPM speeds, making it a versatile motor that can handle various tasks. It has a rated power output of 2.2 kilowatts and a torque rating of 5.1 N-m. The 1326AB-B420H-21-K4L motor uses IEC metric flange with a keyway for easy installation and features resolver-based feedback for accurate positioning. It also has a motor holding brake that requires 24V DC power to function for added safety.


The 1326AB-B420H-21-L servo motor is designed to provide easy installation and maintenance with its motor junction box kit and encoder mounting adapters. The motor junction box kit allows for convenient axially-mounted connectors with either rear or front exit connections, eliminating the need for further wiring to the motor. Additionally, the encoder mounting adapters provide flexibility for mounting servo encoders, accommodating both metric and English servo encoder configurations using servo clamps. However, it is important to note that the adapters are incompatible with high-resolution feedback motors. Removing and discarding the gasket after adapter installation is recommended to prevent equipment damage during disassembly.


The 1326AB-B420H-S2L is a high-performance AC permanent magnet servo motor with a frame diameter of 108mm. It has a rated voltage of 460/380V AC, a rated speed of 6000 RPM, and a rated power of 2.2 kW. The motor has a single-turn high-resolution feedback system, allowing precise and accurate control over speed and position. It has an IP67 rating, making it suitable for harsh or challenging environments. The motor is designed for use in a wide range of industrial applications.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B430E-21 servo motor is a highly versatile motor part of the Bulletin 1326 series. This AC-powered motor has a voltage rating of 460/380 Volts AC, and is designed to operate at a rated motor speed of 3000 RPM. This makes it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications that require precise and efficient motion control. The flange on the 1326AB-B430E-21 servo motor is an IEC metric flange with a keyway. This enables easy and secure mounting of the motor and ensures that it remains stable and reliable during operation.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B430E-21-K4 motor is a high-performance AC servo motor from the Bulletin 1326 and Torque Plus series. This motor is designed for industrial applications that require precise motion control. The 1326AB-B430E-21-K4 servo motor uses advanced ferrite magnet technology. This technology enables this motor to operate with low inertia. The motor's ferrite magnets are arranged in a 3-inch stack, and this magnet stack increases the motor's torque density and enhances its overall performance.


The 1326AB-B430E-S2L servo motor by Allen Bradley has a maximum rated speed of 3000 RPM, making it one of the most powerful motors available for motion systems. It can operate at high speeds without compromising accuracy or reliability. Moreover, the motor has an IP65 rating, which makes it suitable for deployment in harsh and challenging environments. This high rating protects against dust and water, making the motor durable and allowing it to operate in demanding conditions.


The 1326AB-B430G-21 permanent magnet AC servo motor is an Allen-Bradley 1326AB Torque Plus series permanent magnet servo motor rated at 460/380V AC. Its maximum rated speed is 5000 RPM. The 1326AB-B430G-21 servo motor is capable of using resolver-based feedback in applications that require feedback. Its output power rating is 2.3 kilowatts. The 1326AB-B430G-21 servo motor has an IEC metric type of flange with a keyway. The motor weighs about 35 pounds.


The 1326AB-B430G-21-K4 servo motor is an Allen-Bradley permanent magnet servo motor from the 1326 Torque Plus product line. This motor can operate at 4.5 to 5.6 Amps of current and at 460V AC or 380V AC of voltage. The 1326AB-B430G-21-K4 servo motor can also produce 2.3 kilowatts of output power. This motor can operate with resolver-based feedback. The 1326AB-B430G-21-K4 motor comes with a 24V DC-rated holding brake and with a metric flange.


The 1326AB-B430G-S2L low-inertia servo motor can support up to 5.6 Amps of maximum system continuous stall current, making it an ideal choice for high-demand applications where sustained, continuous operation is required. It also has a peak stall current rating of 15 Amps, allowing it to handle sudden bursts of power without compromising performance. This servo motor is designed to work seamlessly with axis modules from the Bulletin 1394 product line, providing a simple and efficient motion control solution in various applications. With a 3-inch stack of powerful magnets, the 1326AB-B430G-S2L low-inertia servo motor achieves its low inertia ratings, providing rapid and precise movements with minimal lag or delay.


In addition to its maximum output torque (continuous) grading of 10.4 N-m and maximum rated velocity of 3000 RPM, the 1326AB-B515E-21 motor also has a peak output torque grading of 31.2 N-m or 276 pounds on an inch. It can be used with Allen-Bradley's 1394 motion control system, supporting a maximum continuous stall current rating of 5.5 Amps and a maximum peak stall current rating of 15 Amps. The servo motor's low-inertia design makes it suitable for high-speed and high-precision applications, and its robust construction ensures reliable performance in industrial environments. The 1326AB-B515E-21 servo motor is also designed with an extruded aluminum housing for efficient heat dissipation and prolonged motor life.


In addition to its low inertia and high torque capabilities, the 1326AB-B515E-21-K5 servo motor is designed for durability and ease of use. It is graded for a wide temperature span and can operate effectively in temperatures spanning from 0 - 40 degrees. The motor is also designed with a keyway shaft to ensure that it stays securely connected to the equipment it is powering. The 1326AB-B515E-21-K5 motor is created for use in high-performance motion control systems.


The permanent magnets in this Allen Bradley 1326AB-B515E-21-L motor help reduce friction levels, enabling it to operate smoothly and accurately, even at high speeds. The Allen Bradley 1326AB-B515E-21-L motor can generate a peak output energy of 2.3 kilowatts, making it a versatile option for a wide array of industrial tasks. Its low inertia design is well-suited for high-speed, high precision operations, while its robust construction ensures long-term reliability and durability.


In addition to its durable construction and IP 65 housing, the Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B515E-M2L servo motor also features a sinusoidal wound stator field for precise operation. The motor has a frame diameter of 149 millimeters and can operate at a speed range of 3000 to 4000 RPM. The motor needs to be connected to a 1391 servo controller and included in a ground system. It is important to keep the motor cables as short as possible to prevent power loss. With its robust design and precise operation, the 1326AB-B515E-M2L servo motor is an excellent choice for demanding industrial applications.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B515E-S2L permanent magnet motor is a servo motor in the 1326AB Torque Plus servo motor series. Its voltage rating is 460/380 Volts AC and its speed rating is 5000 RPM. The 1326AB-B515E-S2L servo motor uses single-turn high-resolution feedback when it operates. It produces 2.3 kilowatts of output power and 10.4 N-m of torque. The 1326AB-B515E-S2L servo motor comes with a frame that has a diameter of 149 millimeters.


The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1326 Torque Plus 1326AB-B515G-21 servo motor which is AC-powered and manufactured with permanent magnets. It is able to operate at 460/380 Volts AC. The 1326AB-B515G-21 servo motor has a frame with a 149-millimeter diameter. It can support 7.5 to 9.5 Amps of current. The 1326AB-B515G-21 servo motor can operate at up to 5000 RPM. The flange of the servo motor is an IEC metric flange that includes a keyway.


The Allen-Bradley Torque Plus 1326AB-B515G-21-K5 permanent magnet servo motor comes with an optional holding brake. The motor's voltage rating is 460/380 Volts AC and the holding brake's voltage rating is 24 Volts DC. The 1326AB-B515G-21-K5 servo motor's feedback option is a resolver-based feedback option. It can support 7.5 to 9.5 Amps of current. The 1326AB-B515G-21-K5 servo motor generates 2.9 kilowatts of output power and it supports 10.4 N-m of torque.


The 1326AB-B515G-21-L servo motor, manufactured by Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation, is designed to offer reliable performance in challenging industrial environments. The motor can be mounted in any orientation, with its shaft facing up or down. When equipped with a shaft seal, the motor has an international protection rating of IP 65. This rating ensures the motor is protected against the ingress of solid particles, such as dust, and can also withstand water jets. In addition to its robust environmental protection, the 1326AB-B515G-21-L servo motor features a normally closed thermal switch in the motor winding.


The 1326AB-B515G-M2K5L servo motor is a multi-turn, three-phase motor designed by Allen-Bradley to deliver high performance in various industrial applications. It is part of the 1326 Torque Plus series and incorporates multiple features to optimize its performance. The motor is enclosed in an IP 65 housing, which protects against dust and water, making it suitable for harsh environments. It is constructed with an aluminum housing and incorporates Allen-Bradley technology to promote efficient heat dissipation, ensuring that the motor operates at optimal temperatures. The 1326AB-B515G-M2K5L servo motor is designed to be compatible with any compatible controller from the 1391 series, making it a versatile option for various applications.


The Allen-Bradley Torque Plus 1326AB-B515G-S2L servo motor is a 460/380V AC-rated servo motor that operates with single-turn high-resolution feedback. Its speed rating is 5000 RPM, its output power rating is 2.9 kilowatts, its torque rating is 10.4 N-m, and its current ratings are 7.5 to 9.5 Amps. The 1326AB-B515G-S2L servo motor's protection rating is IP67 and its frame diameter is 149 millimeters. This motor comes with permanent magnets made of ferrite.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B520E-21 servo motor is part of the 1326AB Torque Plus series of permanent magnet motors. It operates at 3000 RPM and at 460/380 Volts AC. The 1326AB-B520E-21 servo motor also supports 13 N-m of continuous operating torque and resolver-based feedback. Its IEC metric flange includes a keyway and its frame measures 149 mm in diameter. The 1326AB-B520E-21 servo motor's output power rating is 2.9 kW.


The 1326AB-B520E-21-K5 servo motor is a high-performance motor for demanding industrial applications. This Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation servo motor is part of the 1326 Servo Motors series and is rated for 460/380 Volts AC operating voltage. The 1326AB-B520E-21-K5 servo motor is designed to operate with low levels of inertia, thanks to the inclusion of a 2-inch ferrite magnet stack. This reduces the amount of inertia generated, making the motor ideal for applications requiring precise and accurate motion control.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB Torque Plus series 1326AB-B530E-21-K5 motor is a servo motor that uses permanent magnet-based technology and AC power to operate. It can operate at 380V AC or at 460V AC. The 1326AB-B530E-21-K5 servo motor's standard features include an IEC metric flange with a keyway, a frame with a 149-millimeter diameter, and a resolver-based feedback option. This motor also has a 24V DC-rated brake as an optional feature.


The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1326AB 1326AB-B530E-21-L motor is a Torque Plus series servo motor can support an IP or ingress protection rating of IP67. It can also support 7.5 to 9.5 Amps of current and 460/380 Volts AC of voltage. The 1326AB-B530E-21-L motor comes with a resolver for feedback. Its output power rating is 4.2 kilowatts. This motor also comes with permanent magnets and with an IEC metric type of flange.


The Allen-Bradley Torque Plus 1326AB-B530E-M2K5L permanent magnet motor is a brushless servo motor that supports multi-turn and high-resolution feedback. It includes a holding brake that operates at 24 Volts DC. The 1326AB-B530E-M2K5L permanent magnet motor itself operates at 460 Volts AC or at 380 Volts AC. Its maximum operating rotor speed is 3000 RPM. The 1326AB-B530E-M2K5L permanent magnet motor's output power rating is 4.2 kilowatts.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B530E-S2K5LS Servo Motor is a high-performance motor that offers precise and accurate position feedback with its single-turn type high-resolution feedback device. It is equipped with a 24 Volts DC spring-set brake option that offers a maximum holding torque rating of 120 pounds on an inch, ensuring reliable and safe operation. The motor has an approximate frame size of 3.94 inches and a total magnetic stack length of 1.2 inches, making it suitable for use in various industrial applications.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B530E-S2L Servo Motor is a powerful, high-performance motor designed for demanding industrial applications. It operates on a voltage grading of 380 - 460 Volts AC and features a frame diameter of 149 millimeters, making it suitable for various applications. The motor has a rated speed of 2500 to 3000 RPM and a rated power output of 4.2 kW, providing a high level of torque and power. It also has a system peak stall torque or current of 54.2 N-m and a system continuous torque of 18 N-m, making it ideal for heavy-duty applications.


The 1326AB-B720E-21 servo motor from Allen-Bradley is a high-performance AC servo motor designed for various industrial applications. It has a frame measurement of 194 mm and can operate at a standard voltage grading of 460 Volts Alternate Current. The motor is rated at this voltage for a velocity of 3500 RPM with a max power output of 6.8 kilowatts. The motor has a base motor speed of 3000 RPM at 380 Volts AC. One of the key features of the 1326AB-B720E-21 motor is its ability to deliver high levels of torque. The motor has a system torque rating of 30.9 Newton-meter (N-m) and a max torque grading of 88.1 N-m. Its rotor inertia is 0.015.


The 1326AB-B720E-21-K7 servo motor is a high-performance AC servo motor that is designed for use in industrial applications that require precise motion control. The motor is manufactured by Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation, as a Bulletin 1326 motor. The servo motor is built with ferrite magnet technology, which supports a high-strength magnetic field and enables efficient and reliable operation. The motor is designed with an IEC metric flange and keyway, which makes it easy to mount and install in a variety of equipment and systems.


The Allen-Bradley 1326AB-B720E-M2K7L servo motor is a permanent magnet motor from the Bulletin 1326AB Torque Plus motor series. Its feedback encoder is a multi-turn encoder that can support high-resolution feedback. The 1326AB-B720E-M2K7L motor operates with 460/380 Volts AC of rated input voltage and 30.9 N-m of rated torque. It also has an optional holding brake which operates with 24 Volts DC of rated voltage and 41 N-m of rated torque.

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