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Allen Bradley - HMI

Panelview Plus 1500

Terminales PanelView Plus 1500

La serie de terminales PanelView Plus 1500 son los terminales más grandes de la serie PanelView Plus. Estos terminales cuentan con pantallas gráficas a todo color con una excelente resolución. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 se clasifican como una interfaz de operador con una clasificación de actuación de un millón de pulsaciones. Estos terminales cuentan con indicadores LED y memoria flash de aplicación de diferentes tamaños según la serie del módulo lógico. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 admiten varios dispositivos periféricos, como concentradores USB, ratones, teclados, etc.

Estructura de hardware

Al igual que otros terminales de la línea de productos PanelView Plus, los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 tienen una estructura modular. Esta estructura brinda facilidad y flexibilidad en cuanto a la configuración e instalación del sistema de terminales, además de su potencial de actualización. Los principales componentes de estos terminales incluyen el módulo de visualización, el módulo de comunicación, el módulo lógico y la fuente de alimentación. En conjunto, el módulo de visualización y el módulo lógico se denominan unidades configuradas de base.

Módulo de visualización

El módulo de pantalla de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 tiene biseles que se pueden reemplazar en el campo. Esta serie de terminales cuenta con gráficos a todo color con una resolución de 1024 x 768 píxeles. La pantalla de estos terminales podría ser una pantalla táctil para facilitar la entrada de instrucciones. Allen Bradley diseñó las pantallas táctiles de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 para que sean resistivas analógicas. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 tienen un tamaño de pantalla de 15 pulgadas. La pantalla tiene una luminancia de 300 candelas por metro cuadrado Nits. La pantalla de estos terminales también puede tener una superposición antideslumbrante.

Módulo lógico

Los módulos lógicos alojan varias funcionalidades de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500. Estos módulos tienen un puerto para alimentar el terminal mediante alimentación de CA o CC. Los módulos lógicos pueden acomodar memoria flash y SDRAM de diferentes tamaños. Estos módulos también permiten la conexión de red de un terminal debido a sus puertos Ethernet 10/100 Base-T integrados. La comunicación en serie para transferir e imprimir archivos o realizar otras comunicaciones del controlador lógico también se habilita a través del puerto RS-232 integrado en un módulo lógico. Los módulos lógicos también tienen dos (2) puertos USB para conectar dispositivos periféricos, como un mouse, un teclado y una impresora. Además, estos módulos tienen relojes en tiempo real. Una ranura para tarjeta CompactFlash Tipo I también puede ser una característica de los módulos lógicos. Sin embargo, no todos los módulos lógicos tienen esta ranura.

Módulo de comunicación

Los módulos de comunicación se clasifican como un complemento para mejorar la capacidad de comunicación de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500. Como se mencionó en la sección del módulo lógico, estos terminales ya son capaces de comunicarse en red, por lo que un módulo de comunicación no es un componente obligatorio. Los módulos de comunicación mejoran las capacidades de comunicación de los terminales con redes ControlNet y DH+/DH-485.

Método de instrucción de entrada

Para operar los terminales PanelView Plus 1500, los usuarios deben dar instrucciones y comandos al dispositivo. Estos terminales tienen uno de los tres métodos de instrucción de entrada. Estos métodos se enumeran a continuación.

  1. Táctil: Las pantallas táctiles de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 son resistivas analógicas. Estas pantallas se pueden operar con el uso de un dedo o un lápiz óptico. No se deben utilizar otras herramientas u objetos para evitar daños.
  2. Teclado: Los teclados de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 constan de teclas de función, teclas numéricas y teclas de navegación.
    • Las teclas de función son programables. Allen Bradley ofrece un kit para reemplazar las leyendas por otras personalizadas. Estas teclas de función van de F1 a F20 y de K1 a K20.
    • Las teclas numéricas se componen principalmente de teclas numeradas (0 a 9). Las teclas numéricas también incluyen las teclas de tabulación izquierda y derecha, Esc, Alt, CTRL, Mayús, Intro y Retroceso.
    • Las teclas de navegación en un teclado se usan principalmente para navegar a través de diferentes pantallas/páginas y para seleccionar diferentes opciones. Estas teclas también se usan para mover la página hacia arriba y hacia abajo, cambiar a la pantalla de inicio y finalizar una aplicación cuando se usan junto con la tecla Alt.
  3. Toque y teclado: este método es una combinación de una pantalla táctil y un teclado.

Opciones de entrada de energía

Una unidad configurada de base de terminales PanelView Plus 1500 tiene tres opciones de entrada de energía para garantizar la flexibilidad de la aplicación.

  • Alimentación CA (corriente alterna)
  • Alimentación de CC (corriente continua) no aislada
  • Alimentación aislada de CC (corriente continua)

Los terminales alimentados con CA pueden operar con un voltaje de entrada que va desde 85 a 264 voltios CA. La frecuencia de la señal de CA debe oscilar entre 47 y 63 hercios.

Los terminales de CC aislados y no aislados funcionan con un voltaje de entrada que oscila entre 18 y 32 voltios de CC. Los terminales operados con CC de la serie PanelView Plus 1500 tienen una fuente de alimentación integrada de 24 voltios. La clasificación de voltaje nominal de estos terminales es de 24 voltios. Además, la potencia nominal máxima para estos dispositivos es de 70 vatios. Una fuente de alimentación de CC integrada está diseñada e instalada para garantizar la protección interna contra la inversión de polaridad. Sin embargo, si un terminal DC- o DC+ está conectado a tierra o al terminal de tierra, podría dañarse el dispositivo.

Para los terminales que no están alimentados por una fuente de alimentación de CC interna, se requiere una fuente de alimentación externa. Para alimentar cada dispositivo, se debe utilizar una fuente de alimentación independiente de 24 V CC. La potencia de entrada y la potencia de salida de estas fuentes de alimentación externas deben aislarse entre sí y no deben conectarse a un terminal de tierra. Esta técnica evitará corrientes de bucle en el cable de tierra y evitará daños al terminal.

Allen Bradley recomienda utilizar una fuente de alimentación SELV (voltaje extrabajo de seguridad) o PELV (voltaje extrabajo de protección). Estas fuentes de alimentación ayudan a mantener los voltajes entre los conductores.


Los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 tienen un reloj en tiempo real integrado en su módulo lógico. Este reloj está respaldado por una batería y su sincronización puede variar hasta +/- 2 minutos por mes. La batería es fácilmente reemplazable y tiene una vida mínima de 4 años si se mantiene a 25 grados centígrados. Para reemplazar la batería, los usuarios deben desconectar el módulo de comunicación si se ha conectado. Luego, desenrosque el módulo lógico del módulo de visualización, exponga el circuito y reemplace la batería. El fabricante recomienda reemplazar la batería con una batería con el número de catálogo 2711P-RY2032.

Indicadores de estado

Los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 están equipados con dos indicadores de estado para un diagnóstico sencillo. Estos indicadores se denominan indicador COMM e indicador FAULT.

El indicador COMM es un indicador de comunicación que se ilumina en verde. El indicador FAULT indica una falla de hardware y se ilumina en rojo.

Durante la puesta en marcha de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500, el terminal de comunicación debe permanecer encendido y el indicador de falla parpadea varias veces y luego permanece apagado. Si ambos indicadores LED están apagados, el módulo lógico o la fuente de alimentación han fallado. En tales casos, primero se debe comprobar el alcance del cable de alimentación y de la fuente de alimentación. Si ambos están bien, entonces se debe reemplazar el módulo lógico.

Una vez que el terminal se haya iniciado con éxito, ambos indicadores LED se apagarán. Posteriormente, la operación del terminal los controla. A continuación se muestra una lista de indicadores de estado para ayudar a diagnosticar las operaciones de la terminal.

  • Si el indicador FAULT está parpadeando y el indicador COMM está apagado, entonces hubo una descarga fallida del último firmware. Los usuarios deben intentar descargar el firmware nuevamente.
  • Si ambos indicadores parpadean, indica que falta firmware o falla en el cargador de arranque EBC.
  • Si el indicador FAULT está encendido y el indicador COMM está apagado, entonces hay un error fatal de hardware. Los usuarios deben reemplazar el módulo lógico en tal caso.
  • Cuando el indicador COMM parpadea y el indicador FAULT está encendido, la pantalla del terminal tiene un error fatal de hardware. En tal caso, los usuarios deben reemplazar el módulo de visualización.

Especificaciones Mecánicas: Peso y Dimensiones

Para terminales PanelView Plus 1500, el peso de una unidad configurada de base sin un módulo de comunicación es de 4,2 kilogramos si no hay teclado, o 4,6 kilogramos si hay teclado.

Las dimensiones de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 también dependen de si el terminal tiene teclado o no. Las dimensiones para los tres tipos de terminales son las siguientes.

  • Terminal táctil: 330 mm x 416 mm x 65 mm
  • Terminal de teclado: 330 mm x 469 mm x 65 mm
  • Teclado o terminal táctil: 330 mm x 469 mm x 65 mm

Especificaciones ambientales

Allen Bradley recomienda a los usuarios de terminales PanelView Plus 1500 mantener el dispositivo entre 0 y 55 grados centígrados durante su modo operativo. Sin embargo, el rango de temperatura permisible varía entre -20 y 70 grados centígrados si la terminal no está en funcionamiento.

Estos terminales pueden soportar un impacto operativo de 15 g durante 11 milisegundos y un impacto no operativo de 30 g durante 11 milisegundos. Además, un terminal PanelView Plus 1500 está diseñado para tolerar vibraciones de 10 a 57 hercios que provocan un desplazamiento de pico a pico de 0,012. Si las vibraciones provocan una aceleración de un pico de 2 g, la frecuencia oscila entre 57 y 500 hercios.

Se indica que se mantenga en los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 en un entorno que tenga una humedad relativa sin condensación que oscile entre el 5 % y el 95 %. Los gabinetes de estos terminales están clasificados como NEMA Tipo 12/13. Para uso en interiores, el gabinete también podría clasificarse como NEMA Tipo 4X. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 también tienen una clasificación de protección de ingreso de IP54 e IP65.

Componentes del producto

Para los terminales PanelView Plus 1500, Allen Bradley ofrece una amplia gama de componentes que se pueden pedir por separado, para que el usuario pueda usarlos para la instalación en el campo o como reemplazo. Estos productos y sus respectivos números de catálogo incluyen:

  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RDK15C es una pantalla a color con teclado.
  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RDT15C es una pantalla a color con pantalla táctil.
  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RDT15AG es una pantalla a color con una pantalla táctil y una superposición antideslumbrante integral.
  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RDB15C es una pantalla a color con teclado y pantalla táctil.
  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RFK15 es para terminales PanelView Plus 1500 con teclado, con tiras de leyenda para reemplazo.
  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RL15C es para reemplazar la luz de fondo de color de los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 con módulos de pantalla Serie B.
  • Los números de catálogo 2711P-RBK15, 2711P-RBT15 y 2711P-RBB15 son biseles de repuesto para terminales PanelView Plus 1500 con teclado, pantalla táctil y teclado/pantalla táctil, respectivamente.
  • Los números de catálogo 2711P-RGK15 y 2711P-RGT15 son revestimientos protectores antideslumbrantes disponibles para terminales con teclado/pantalla táctil o teclado y pantalla táctil PanelView Plus 1500, respectivamente.
  • El número de catálogo 1606-XLE120E es una fuente de alimentación si se va a alimentar un terminal de CC con alimentación de CA. Esta fuente de alimentación está montada en carriles DIN.

Los módulos lógicos están estandarizados para toda la serie de terminales PanelView Plus. Los diferentes módulos varían en el tamaño de la memoria flash, la entrada de alimentación de CA o CC, el revestimiento de conformación y mucho más. De manera similar, los módulos de comunicación también están estandarizados, pero diferentes módulos pueden ser compatibles con diferentes redes de comunicación.

Placas adaptadoras

Las placas adaptadoras para cualquier terminal de la serie de terminales PanelView Plus son para hacer que estos terminales se adapten a iteraciones posteriores del producto. Para los terminales PanelView Plus 1500, están disponibles las siguientes placas adaptadoras:

  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RAK15 es para adaptar un terminal de teclado/pantalla táctil PanelView Plus 1500 o terminal de teclado a terminales de teclado PanelView 1200E o 1400E.
  • El número de catálogo 2711P-RAT15 permite que los terminales de pantalla táctil PanelView Plus 1500 toquen el recorte de los terminales PanelView 1400E.


Los terminales PanelView Plus 1500 cumplen con muchos estándares y cuentan con varias certificaciones. Esta serie de terminales está clasificada como equipo de control industrial, que está en la lista de UL. Por lo tanto, este equipo se puede utilizar en los siguientes entornos industriales:

  • Lugares peligrosos de Clase III
  • Grupos F y G de la División 2 de la Clase II
  • Grupos A, B, C y D de la División 2 de la Clase I

Estos terminales también tienen directivas EMC de la UE sobre inmunidad industrial y emisiones. Esta serie de terminales incluso tiene la certificación CE (LVD) con respecto a los controladores programables, la certificación C-Tick con respecto a la Ley de Radiocomunicaciones de Australia y la certificación Marina que cumple con las condiciones de una o más sociedades marinas.

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Panelview Plus 1500

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Panelview Plus 1500 de segunda mano en el mundo.


Catalog #2711P-B15C15A1 is a color terminal device in the PanelView Plus 1500 series. It comes with a 15-inch touchscreen display and keypad input method. The terminal offers standard communication through Ethernet and RS-232 ports, as well as ControlNet communication. It has 64 MB Flash and 64 MB RAM. The device is powered by an AC power source. The 2711P-B15C15A1 is excellent for industrial applications that require a user-friendly interface and reliable communication options.


The 2711P-B15C15A2 is an interface terminal used to control machines electronically. This equipment is also known as a human-machine interface (HMI). It is a PanelView Plus 1500 model by Allen Bradley, has a color display, and can be operated through either a touchscreen or a keypad. The device has several communication ports and can operate using an AC power source. Additionally, it can house an external compact flash (CF) card for reliable mass storage.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-B15C15A6 Panelview Plus 1500 terminal provides users with a high-quality operator interface that supports both keypad and touchscreen input methods. This versatility enables users to interact with the terminal in a way that suits their specific needs. The terminal's ControlNet port provides a reliable and efficient means of communication between the terminal and other components in the system. It is powered by an AC input voltage, making it easy to integrate into existing systems.


The 2711P-B15C15A7 is a Panel View Plus 1500 module from Allen Bradley and Rockwell Automation for the operator interface. It serves as a color terminal with a 15-inch screen. It features a combination of a keypad and touch screen for operator input and can connect through ControlNet and (Ethernet / RS-232) interfaces. This model includes 256 MB flash and 256 MB RAM and runs on AC power. It is excellent for use in various industrial applications.


The 2711P-B15C15D1 is a PanelView Plus 1500 terminal by Allen Bradley. It is used in industrial automation to provide a graphical interface for monitoring and controlling industrial processes. It features a color display, keypad, and touch screen for user interaction and supports communication protocols like ControlNet, Ethernet, and RS232. The device is powered by a 24V DC power supply. Also, it contains a port for a 64 MB CompactFlash memory card for storage.


The 2711P-B15C15D2 by PanelView Plus-1500 series is an Operator Interface Terminal manufactured by Rockwell Automation. It features a 15-inch display that can be operated using a keypad and touch screen. The device supports ControlNet and standard communication protocols. It also has 128 megabytes of flash and 128 megabytes of RAM, providing ample storage space for applications and data. The device is powered by a DC power supply, making it suitable for use in industrial settings.


The 2711P-B15C15D6 PanelView Plus 6 terminal is a Human Machine Interface device. It is used in industrial automation for monitoring and controlling industrial processes. It has a user-friendly operating system, color display, keypad, and touch screen. And it supports communication protocols like ControlNet, Ethernet, and RS232. This allows users to interact with and monitor their equipment easily. It can also house a 128 MB CompactFlash card for storage. The terminal uses a 24V DC power supply for operation.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-B15C15D7 is a PanelView Plus 1500 terminal with 24V DC nominal power. It is a human-machine interface (HMI) device used in industrial automation applications. This model has a keypad and touchscreen interface and runs on a user-friendly operating system. It has connectivity options for ControlNet, Ethernet, and RS232, making it versatile for various control systems. It comes with a port for a 256 MB CompactFlash card and also contains 256 megabytes of RAM.


The 2711P-B15C4A1 is a PanelView Plus 1500 terminal manufactured by Rockwell Automation. It features an easy operating system, a color keypad, and a touch screen for user interaction. The terminal also includes Ethernet and RS232 communication ports, making integrating into industrial automation systems easy. It operates on 120-240V AC power and has a 64 MB CompactFlash port for external memory. This terminal is designed to help with monitoring and controlling automation processes in a wide range of industries.


Catalog #2711P-B15C4A2 is a PanelView Plus 1500 color terminal with both keypad and touchscreen input options. The unit offers Ethernet and RS232 connectivity and is designed to operate on a nominal AC voltage of 120/240 V. It is equipped with a port that can house a 128 MB CompactFlash card and contains 128 MB standard RAM. This unit is suitable for various applications requiring monitoring and control, providing an intuitive interface for users.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-B15C4A6 is a PanelView Plus 1500 terminal, a human-machine interface (HMI) used in industrial automation to monitor and control equipment. This model has a color display with a keypad and touch screen and supports Ethernet and RS232 communication protocols. The device runs on a 120V/240V AC power source. It has a port for a 128 MB CompactFlash memory card. This equipment provides operators a user-friendly interface for monitoring and controlling equipment in real-time, improving overall production efficiency and reducing downtime.


The 2711P-B15C4A7 PanelView Plus-6 Terminal is a human-machine interface (HMI) device used in industrial automation applications. It features a 15-inch color display with both keypad and touchscreen input options. The terminal provides Ethernet and RS232 connectivity, making it suitable for communication with other devices in the automation system. It has a 256 MB CompactFlash port and contains 256 MB standard RAM. This device is designed for various monitoring and controlling applications, providing an intuitive user interface.


The 2711P-B15C4D1 by Allen Bradley's Panelview Plus-1500 series is a display module for industrial processes. It is available on a color screen and allows users to input data through a keypad or a touchscreen. It serves as a user interface for monitoring and controlling various applications. The terminal is compatible with Ethernet and RS232 networks, requiring a 24 volts DC power source. It can house a 64 MB CompactFlash card for external storage and contains 64 MB standard RAM, which is used for data storage and processing.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-B15C4D2 is a PanelView Plus 1500 series device manufactured by Rockwell Automation. This device features a 15-inch color display with a keypad and touchscreen input. The device has standard communication ports, including Ethernet, USB, and RS-232. It is powered by a 24 VDC input. Additionally, the device has 128 MB of storage, making it a reliable choice for applications requiring large amounts of data storage. With its advanced features and efficient performance, the 2711P-B15C4D2 is a great investment for any industrial setting.


The Allen Bradley Catalog #2711P-B15C4D6 is a PanelView Plus-1500 terminal with a color display, allowing for a clear and detailed visual representation of data. It comes with a color screen, which is perfect for conveying information to users in an easily understandable way. The terminal also features both keypad and touchscreen input options, providing users with input methods to interact with the device. Additionally, the device is powered by a 24V DC power source, ensuring stable and reliable performance.


The 2711P-B15C4D7 PanelView Plus-6 terminal is designed to assist users with monitoring and controlling various processes in industrial automation. It features a keypad and touchscreen input options. The unit also supports Ethernet and RS232 connectivity options. It can also house a 256 MB CompactFlash card and has 256 MB internal RAM providing ample data storage and retrieval space. The terminal is powered by 24V DC, making it ideal for harsh industrial environments.


The 2711P-B15C6A1 PanelView Plus 6 Terminal is a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) used in industrial automation. It features a 15-inch color display with both keypad and touchscreen input options and supports various communication protocols. The terminal operates on 120-240V AC power, comes with 64Mb RAM, and supports external memory modules. Users can interact with the terminal to monitor and control industrial processes through the user-friendly interface, improving manufacturing operations productivity, efficiency, and accuracy.


The 2711P-B15C6A2 is a PanelView Plus 6 terminal that provides users with an interactive interface for monitoring and controlling different industrial processes. It features a 15-inch color display and can be controlled via both keypad and touchscreen input options, making it easy to use. The terminal supports multiple connectivity options for communicating with other devices and systems. Additionally, the terminal supports external memory cards up to 128 MB and contains 128 MB standard RAM to store and run different applications.


The 2711P-B15C6A6 PanelView Plus terminal is designed to provide an easy-to-use interface for users to interact with and control various industrial automation applications. The device features a keypad and touchscreen input options and supports DH+, Remote I/O, and DH485-E communication protocols. It can operate with a power supply of 120V to 240V AC and contains an internal 128 MB RAM. Overall, this terminal is well-suited for a range of industrial automation applications requiring monitoring and controlling different equipment and processes.


The Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 1500, part number 2711P-B15C6A7, is a color terminal with a keypad and touchscreen input options. This terminal is compatible with various industrial networks and protocols, ensuring reliable connectivity. And it operates on 120V/240V AC power. The device can house a 256 MB CompactFlash card with an internal 256 MB standard RAM. It is designed to provide an intuitive user interface for monitoring and controlling various applications in non-hazardous indoor environments.


The 2711P-B15C6D1 PanelView Plus Terminal is an industrial human-machine interface (HMI) used for machine automation and monitoring. With a color display and both keypad and touchscreen input options, it provides an easy-to-use interface for operators to interact with. It supports multiple communication protocols, making it compatible with various devices. This base unit operates on a 24V DC power source. In addition, users can house an external memory card for storage, and the terminal is also available with 64 megabytes of RAM.


The 2711P-B15C6D2 is a PanelView Plus 1500 terminal designed for monitoring and controlling industrial applications. It features a color display with both keypad and touchscreen input options. The terminal supports several connectivity options and is powered by a 24V DC source. It supports an external card for storage up to 128 MB and has an internal 128 MB standard RAM for storing data and running applications. This base unit is suitable for use in various industrial settings.


The 2711P-B15C6D6 is a PanelView Plus 1500 terminal with a 15-inch color display, keypad and touchscreen input options, and various communication ports, including DH+, Remote I/O, DH485, and Ethernet. The terminal operates on 24V DC power, can house an external card up to 128 MB, and contains an internal 128 MB standard RAM. Its user-friendly operating system allows for flexibility and easy integration with other systems. This terminal is designed for various applications requiring monitoring and control.


The 2711P-B15C6D7 is a PanelView Plus 1500 module from Allen Bradley. It has both keypad and touchscreen input methods. It operates with 24 VDC input power and features a 15-inch color display. The module has DH+/RIO/DH-485 communication ports and 256 MB of storage capacity. This versatile device offers users an efficient solution for monitoring, controlling, and displaying valuable information in various applications. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for users to operate, and its powerful features help solve complex problems.


The 2711P-K15C15A1 PanelView Plus 6 Terminal is an industrial HMI (human-machine interface) that allows users to interact with and monitor automated systems. Its keypad and touchscreen provide an interface for controlling and visualizing industrial processes. It has ControlNet, Ethernet, and RS232 interfaces. Its operating system enables users to run custom applications and interact with the terminal using a familiar interface. The unit can house a 64 MB CompactFlash card and has 64 MB RAM to store the operating system and user applications.


The Allen Bradley 2711P-K15C15A2 is a factory-assembled, integrated-display industrial computer from the PanelView Plus family. It consists of a display and a logic module and offers optional communication modules for additional network interfaces. It has a 15-inch display with a 1024 x 768 resolution and 18-bit color graphics, rated at 300 nits. The 2711P-K15C15A2 has 512 MB of non-volatile user memory and 512 MB of RAM, with options for increased storage through a hot-swappable SD card slot or USB ports. It features a 32-key keypad and four integrated communication ports and runs on 100-240V AC power.


Product ID #2711P-K15C15A6 is a PanelView Plus 1500 keypad-controlled machine interface module, also known as an operator interface terminal, manufactured by Rockwell Automation. It features ControlNet, Ethernet, and RS-232 ports for reliable connectivity. In addition, this terminal offers 128 MB Flash/128 MB RAM capacity. The 2711P-K15C15A6 device is designed to provide reliable and efficient operator interface solutions for various industrial automation applications. Its durable construction and advanced features make it ideal for use in various demanding environments.


The 2711P-K15C15A7 is an advanced user interface device by Allen Bradley. It contains a 256 MB memory unit, and built-in USB communication slots. This unit is excellent for controlling complex applications, processes, and machines. It can operate on both 85 to 264 VAC and 18 to 30 VDC power sources. This 2711P-K15C15A7 device is operated via a functional keyboard and touchscreen display. Hence it provides real-time feedback on the operational status of various industrial systems and processes.


The 2711P-K15C15D1 is an operator interface terminal by Allen Bradley. It is used to monitor and control various applications on multiple machines and has multiple communication slots for easy interfacing with devices, computers, or different industrial networks. In addition, it can be controlled using its multiple keys-based keyboards and features a touchscreen-based color display for showing operation-related information. It has 64 megabytes of RAM and requires a 24 VDC input power source to function.


The 2711P-K15C15D2 terminal is an operator interface device for the PanelView Plus 1500 that requires a 24 VDC power supply. It is commonly used for applications that require the control, tracking, and dynamic display of data, allowing users to easily understand machine status and take action. The device can be operated using its functional keyboard. It has a storage capacity of 128 megabytes and multiple communication interfaces to connect machinery and industrial systems.


The 2711P-K15C15D6 is an operator interface device developed by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This device is used for various industrial applications and provides interface solutions. It is used to graphically display, monitor, and supervise equipment information and updates in industrial networks. This PanelView Plus 1500 features a 15-inch display screen and 128 MB of RAM. And it can be controlled using its functional keypad. It operates on an AC power source ranging from 18 to 32 volts.


The Allen Bradley 2711P-K15C15D7 is a PanelView Plus 1500 operational interface terminal. It is commonly used in various industries to monitor and control machines and processes. It features a 15-inch color display and a functional keypad. The terminal operates on a 24 VDC power input and includes a 256 megabytes memory unit, as well as various communication interfaces to link industrial networks and computers. This module is designed to withstand harsh industrial environments and is rated for use in temperatures ranging from 0 to 55 degrees Celsius.


The 2711P-K15C4A1 is a keypad-based PanelView Plus 1500 terminal manufactured by Rockwell Automation. It features ports for Ethernet and RS-232 protocols and is powered by an AC supply. The terminal has 64Mb Flash and 64Mb RAM capacity. It is designed for industrial applications and can provide operators with a user-friendly interface to monitor and control manufacturing processes. The keypad input method allows quick and easy data entry, and the standard communication ports enable connectivity with other devices on the factory floor.


Part number 2711P-K15C4A2 is a display terminal for industrial machinery. This electronic equipment is part of the PanelView Plus 1500 series. It provides operators with quick access to all variables involved in the process, enabling the input and modification of new data. The 15-inch color screen with a keyboard, modular components, and communication modules, including Ethernet and RS-232, provides maximum flexibility. It is rated for a voltage range of 85 to 264 Volts AC and offers two USB ports for device connections, such as a keyboard or printer.


Product #2711P-K15C4A6 PanelView Plus 1500 is a human-machine interface (HMI) device designed for various industries, including manufacturing, processing, and assembly. Its main application is to provide operators with a user-friendly interface to monitor and control industrial processes. Its keypad and touchscreen input allow operators to interact with machines and systems, helping them identify and troubleshoot issues quickly. The device is equipped with standard Ethernet and RS-232 ports, enabling seamless communication between the operator and other components of the automation system.


Catalog #2711P-K15C4A7 is a PanelView Plus 1500 model with a keypad input method, standard Ethernet and RS-232 communication ports, integrated AC power supply, and a substantial memory capacity of 256 MB flash and 256 MB RAM. This Allen Bradley module is designed for various industrial automation applications to facilitate real-time monitoring and control of processes. Its user-friendly interface and advanced features provide reliable and efficient operation for enhanced productivity and reduced downtime.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-K15C4D1 is a color operator terminal with a 15-inch display screen that supports both keypad and touchscreen input methods. It belongs to the PanelView Plus 1500 series and is produced by Rockwell Automation. The terminal has a standard communication interface that supports Ethernet and RS-232, making it ideal for industrial applications that require centralized control and monitoring. It also features 64 MB of storage, making it suitable for applications that require large amounts of data. The terminal operates on DC power.


Part number 2711P-K15C4D2 is a color terminal with a 15-inch keypad display that belongs to the PanelView Plus 1500 series by Rockwell Automation. It offers standard Ethernet and RS-232 communication options and requires DC power. It can store and process large amounts of data with 128 MB of flash memory and 128 MB of RAM. Its main application is in industrial automation and control systems, providing a user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing complex processes.


The Allen Bradley Catalog #2711P-K15C4D6 is a PanelView Plus 1500 Terminal. It features a 15-inch color display, a keypad for input, and Ethernet and RS232 communication ports. In addition, it uses a user-friendly operating system that allows operators to interact easily with the system and perform various tasks. The color display provides clear and detailed information about the status of the process. Moreover, the 24V DC power supply ensures reliable and consistent power delivery, while the unit also contains a port for a 128 MB CompactFlash card for external storage.


The 2711P-K15C4D7 is a version of the PanelView Plus CE 1500, an industrial Human-Machine Interface (HMI) instrument that controls and monitors manufacturing processes. It features a keypad for control and standard communication ports such as (Ethernet and RS-232) and operates on DC power. The device has a significant capacity of 256 MB of flash and 256 MB of RAM, which can accommodate data and application files. It is employed in various industrial automation applications and can enhance efficiency, productivity, and process control.


The PanelView Plus 1500, with part number 2711P-K15C6A1, is an industrial automation equipment that provides operators with real-time information and control over the manufacturing process, making it a valuable tool for operators and engineers. Its built-in keypad, touchscreen interface, and support for multiple communication protocols such as Ethernet and RS-232 allow for easy operator input and connectivity. At the same time, its large memory capacity of 64 MB of flash storage and 64 MB of RAM is ideal for storing application files and data.


The 2711P-K15C6A2 is a part of the PanelView Plus 1500 series by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It serves as electronic equipment for the machine interface with a 15 (inch) color display and keypad input method for the control. This panel view terminal is equipped with DH+, RIO, and DH-485 communication ports. The device can operate on the AC power input. Also, it features 128 MB of memory for data storage and processing.


The 2711P-K15C6A6 is a PanelView Plus 1500 module from Allen Bradley for the operator interface. It is used for managing and controlling industrial manufacturing procedures. This electronic interface solution supports various communication protocols, including DH+, DH-485, Ethernet, and RS-232, allowing seamless integration with control systems. The equipment is powered by AC voltage and has 128 MB of Flash and 128 MB of RAM, providing sufficient storage capacity for data and application files.


Product number 2711P-K15C6A7 is a Panelview Plus 1500 series display module with a keypad input for the operators. This device is manufactured by Rockwell Automation and is used as human-machine interface (HMI) equipment. It is equipped with communication ports that support DH+/RIO/DH-485 protocols, a 15-inch color display, and 256 MB of storage capacity. This module requires AC power to operate and is suitable for use in a variety of industrial applications.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-K15C6D1 is a reliable operator interface terminal for industrial automation. It features a 15-inch color display and a storage capacity of 64 MB, making it suitable for various applications that require a high-quality interface terminal. The terminal is part of the Panelview Plus 1500 series and is controlled through a keypad input. It requires 24 VDC input voltage for power and communicates through DH+/RIO/DH-485 communication ports. Its advanced features and durable design make it a trusted choice for industrial automation applications.


Part #2711P-K15C6D2 is an operator interface terminal that can be used for monitoring, controlling, and displaying information across different applications. This device is part of the Panel View Plus-1500 series by Allen Bradley. It has a keypad for user input and a 15-inch diagonal color display with a 1024 x 768 resolution and 24-bit colors. The module communicates through DH+/RIO/DH485 communication ports and is powered by 18 to 32 DC input voltage. Its active-matrix TFT display and advanced features make it a reliable choice for industrial applications.


Catalog #2711P-K15C6D6 by Allen-Bradley is an operator interface terminal designed for industrial automation processes. It is part of the PanelView Plus 1500 terminal series and is powered by 24 Volts of DC. The terminal is controlled through a keypad and has an operating temperature range of 0 to 55 degrees Celsius. It can store data using its 256 MB RAM memory and can house external cards with its inbuilt port. Its durable design is perfect for use in harsh industrial environments.


The Allen Bradley PanelView Plus 1500 terminal, model #2711P-K15C6D7, is a device used as an operator interface for controlling and monitoring industrial automation processes. This terminal has a color display and a keypad input, making it easy to use. It has communication ports such as DH+, Remote I/O, DH485, and Ethernet, allowing for versatile connectivity. The device can be powered by 24V DC, and it has a storage capacity of 256 MB. If more storage is required, an external memory module can be connected to the terminal's port. This feature provides reliable mass storage for the device.


The 2711P-RBK15 is a replacement bezel designed for use with the PanelView Plus 1500 terminals manufactured by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This bezel is compatible with 15-inch screens and includes a keypad. It has been engineered to withstand harsh industrial environments, with a vibration resistance of 30 G and shock resistance of 15 G. The part is commonly used to replace damaged bezels, ensuring continued functionality and protection of the operator interface.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-RDB15C is a display module that replaces an existing 15-inch keypad and touchscreen-operated PanelView Plus operator terminal. This module has a 1024 x 768 pixels resolution and a 300 cd/m2 Nit luminance. It is compatible with AC or DC-operated terminals and can be used regardless of the communication module of the host module. In addition, its analog resistive touchscreen mechanism has an operational lifespan of 1 million presses and may be operated with a gloved finger.

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