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Allen Bradley - HMI

Panelview Plus 1250

Terminales PanelView Plus 1250

Los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 de Allen Bradley de la serie de terminales PanelView Plus son uno de los muchos dispositivos HMI (interfaz hombre-máquina) disponibles. Hay terminales 1250H junto con terminales 1250. Estos terminales tienen diferentes métodos de entrada, varias potencias de entrada, accesorios y mucho más.

Estructura de hardware de los terminales PanelView Plus 1250

Componentes modulares

El hardware del terminal PanelView Plus 1250 consta de diferentes módulos. En otras palabras, los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 admiten componentes modulares o una estructura modular. El uso de componentes modulares permite al usuario tener flexibilidad en su instalación, configuración y oportunidades de actualización.

Unidad configurada base

Un módulo de pantalla y un módulo lógico comprenden una unidad configurada de base para el terminal PanelView Plus 1250. Las especificaciones de ambos módulos se detallan en sus respectivos apartados.

Módulo de pantalla

El módulo de pantalla del terminal PanelView Plus 1250 acepta cualquiera de los tres tipos de modos de entrada:

  • Teclado: Utilizado para dar instrucciones de entrada, el teclado de un terminal tiene varias teclas clasificadas en tres tipos.
    • Teclas de función: Los teclados de terminal PanelView Plus 1250 tienen teclas de función F1 a F20 y K1 a K20. Estas teclas son programables. Estos son para iniciar algunas funciones en la pantalla del terminal. En consecuencia, para cumplir con la función de tecla de función personalizada programable, también están disponibles leyendas reemplazables. El 2711P-RFK12 tiene tiras de leyenda adecuadas para terminales PanelView Plus 1250.
    • Teclas numéricas: estas teclas del teclado de un terminal tienen teclas del 0 al 9, Intro, tabulador izquierdo, tabulador derecho, retroceso, Alt, Esc, Ctrl y Mayús.
    • Teclas de navegación: Las teclas de navegación están etiquetadas con flechas. Estos son para navegar y mover el cursor a la opción deseada que se puede seleccionar. Estas teclas de flecha, cuando se usan con la tecla Alt, muestran la pantalla de inicio, finalizan una función o desplazan la página hacia arriba o hacia abajo.
  • Pantalla táctil: Las pantallas táctiles están diseñadas como componentes resistivos analógicos. La pantalla táctil se puede operar con el dedo. También se puede utilizar un lápiz óptico.
  • Con teclado y pantalla táctil

Estos terminales cuentan con una pantalla de 12,1 pulgadas y una amplia gama de displays TFT con gráficos en color. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 también están disponibles en una opción de revestimiento de conformación. Los terminales 1250 también tienen una opción de pantalla de alto brillo diseñada especialmente para exteriores, con una pantalla táctil para ingresar datos y comandos. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 también tienen una capa antideslumbrante para garantizar la usabilidad del usuario. Estos terminales comparten características comunes con todos los demás módulos de visualización disponibles. Para terminales PanelView Plus 1250, Allen Bradley proporciona cuatro tipos de biseles para terminales de teclado, terminales de pantalla táctil, terminales de pantalla táctil de alto brillo y terminales de teclado/pantalla táctil. Todos estos biseles se pueden reemplazar en el campo.

Los módulos de visualización disponibles de la serie de terminales PanelView Plus 1250, junto con el número de catálogo, incluyen:

  • 2711P-RDK12C tiene una pantalla a color con un teclado para entradas
  • 2711P-RDT12C tiene una pantalla a color con pantalla táctil
  • 2711P-RDT12AG tiene una pantalla a color con una capa antideslumbrante
  • 2711P-RDT12CK tiene una pantalla a color con revestimiento conformado
  • 2711P-RDT12AG tiene una pantalla a color con una opción de pantalla de alto brillo, lo que lo hace adecuado para cualquier necesidad de instalación en exteriores
  • 2711P-RDB12C tiene una pantalla a color con pantalla táctil y teclado
Módulo lógico

Los módulos lógicos de los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 incluyen casi todos los componentes de hardware que habilitan sus características y aseguran que esté funcionando. Tiene un puerto para aceptar energía, tiene espacio para SDRAM y memoria flash, contiene un puerto Ethernet y cuenta con un puerto serial para comunicación y puertos USB para conectar dispositivos periféricos. Este módulo también tiene una ranura para insertar tarjetas CompactFlash de tipo I. También contiene un reloj en tiempo real que recibe energía de respaldo a través de una batería. Hay un poco más de una docena de tipos de módulos lógicos disponibles y categorizados según las diferencias en la memoria flash disponible, el método de entrada de energía, la pantalla, la certificación, etc.

Módulo de comunicación

El propósito del módulo de comunicación es aumentar la capacidad de comunicación del terminal. Para los terminales PanelView Plus 1250, este módulo se puede conectar fácilmente a la unidad configurada de base sobre el módulo lógico. Los módulos de comunicación utilizan DH+ o DH-485 y ControlNet para la interfaz de red.

Flash compacto

El módulo lógico tiene una ranura para tarjeta CompactFlash. Sin embargo, el módulo lógico también puede venir sin la opción de CompactFlash. Para terminales PanelView Plus 1250, como todos los demás dispositivos PanelView Plus, CompactFlash tiene memoria flash. Allen Bradley proporciona tarjetas CompactFlash en varios tamaños, incluidos 64 MB, 128 MB y 256 MB. Además, se puede pedir este componente solo o con un paquete de módulos lógicos.

Uso de Dispositivos Periféricos

Los dispositivos periféricos tales como un mouse, teclado e impresora de computadora pueden conectarse al terminal para facilitar al usuario las instrucciones para realizar alguna función. Para este propósito, esta serie de terminales cuenta con puertos de bus serie universal (USB). Estos puertos son compatibles con ubicaciones peligrosas. Los puertos USB para terminales PanelView Plus 1250 tienen un voltaje de circuito abierto de 5,25 V y una corriente de salida máxima de 1,68 A. Diez (10) microfaradios es la capacitancia máxima permitida de los puertos y cables combinados y quince (15) microhenry es la inductancia máxima permitida de los puertos y cables combinados.

Pantallas de alto brillo

Los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 también vienen en pantallas de alto brillo. Es principalmente para la instalación al aire libre. El fabricante recomienda a los usuarios de este terminal montar el terminal adecuadamente para maximizar la vida útil de su pantalla y bisel frontal.

La instalación adecuada es para asegurar la vida útil prolongada del terminal al protegerlo de los dañinos rayos infrarrojos y ultravioleta. Dado que las radiaciones ultravioleta afectan la calidad del plástico al desvanecer su color y hacerlo quebradizo lentamente, se puede usar una capa antideslumbrante para que la parte frontal de la terminal permanezca segura y se prolongue la vida útil de la terminal.

Si la exposición al sol aumenta la temperatura del terminal más allá de los 40 grados centígrados, entonces se debe usar el kit de visera junto con él. Este kit ayuda a mantener la temperatura interna. Para mantener la temperatura de los terminales de pantalla de alto brillo PanelView Plus 1250 por debajo de los 55 grados centígrados, se pueden usar ventiladores de cadena o enfriamiento activo. También se puede usar un protector de pantalla para mantener la temperatura de la pantalla dentro de los límites porque la luz de fondo instalada en las pantallas de alto brillo genera una cantidad significativa. Además, el terminal debe colocarse de manera que quede vertical. Esta precaución de ubicación es para evitar la carga solar en la terminal durante las horas pico.

Los terminales de visualización de alto brillo de la serie PanelView Plus 1250 están equipados con sensores de temperatura. Estos sensores indican la reducción de la intensidad de la luz de fondo cuando la temperatura supera los 55 grados centígrados. Esto ayuda a reducir el daño a la pantalla del terminal. Además, si la temperatura cae por debajo de los 0 grados centígrados, entonces se puede usar un calentador en consecuencia.

Opciones de entrada de energía

Los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 tienen tres opciones de entrada de energía. Esto trae consigo la flexibilidad de la aplicación. Estas opciones de energía incluyen:

  • Suministro de corriente alterna (CA) con un voltaje que oscila entre 85 V y 264 V. Un devanado secundario de un transformador debe conectarse con terminales alimentados por CA. El rango de frecuencia permitido también debe estar entre 47 y 63 Hz.
  • Suministro de corriente continua (CC) no aislado para un rango de voltaje de 18 V a 32 V
  • Suministro de CC aislado con un rango de voltaje de 18 V a 32 V. Sin embargo, se requiere el uso de un juego de fusibles con indicación cuando se usa un suministro de CC aislado.

Si la opción de alimentación de CA está disponible mientras la aplicación en uso es CC, hay disponible un suministro o convertidor de CA a CC (tipo rectificador) con el número de catálogo 1606-XLE120E. Esta fuente de alimentación se puede montar utilizando un carril DIN.

Disponibilidad de placas adaptadoras

Para los terminales PanelView Plus 1250, Allen Bradley proporcionó varias placas adaptadoras. Estas placas se utilizan para mejorar la usabilidad del dispositivo y la viabilidad de la aplicación al adaptarlos a otros terminales.

  • El kit adaptador 2711P-RAK12E es para adaptar un terminal PanelView Plus 1250 con un teclado a un recorte de teclado de terminales PanelView 1200 o PanelView 1400E
  • El kit adaptador 2711P-RAT12E2 es para adaptar un terminal PanelView Plus 1250 con pantalla táctil a un recorte de pantalla táctil de terminales PanelView 1200E
  • El kit adaptador 2711P-RAT12E es para adaptar un terminal PanelView Plus 1250 con pantalla táctil a un recorte de pantalla táctil de terminales PanelView 1400E
  • El kit adaptador 2711P-RAK12S es para adaptar un terminal PanelView Plus 1250 con un teclado a un recorte de teclado de terminales PanelView 1400 estándar
  • El kit adaptador 2711P-RAT12S es para adaptar un terminal PanelView Plus 1250 con pantalla táctil a un recorte de pantalla táctil de terminales PanelView 1400 estándar

Uso en ubicaciones peligrosas

Allen Bradley instruye a sus usuarios a utilizar un terminal PanelView Plus 1250 en un lugar no peligroso. Para esto, se proporciona una lista de grupos ambientales estandarizados, por ejemplo, la ubicación de tipo Clase III es segura para el uso de dichos terminales. De todos modos, si el equipo se utiliza en un lugar peligroso, se deben seguir medidas de precaución, como:

  • El equipo no debe retirarse antes de que se desconecte la alimentación y el área se vuelva no peligrosa.
  • Las conexiones del equipo no deben desconectarse antes de desconectar la alimentación.
  • La compatibilidad ambiental de los dispositivos periféricos debe cuidarse por separado
  • Si bien con algunas precauciones, el terminal se puede usar en lugares peligrosos y el reloj en tiempo real y la batería no se pueden cambiar en un lugar peligroso en ningún caso.
  • El cableado del equipo debe ser compatible con los estándares respectivos del Código Eléctrico Nacional (artículo 500) y/o el Código Eléctrico Canadiense
  • El terminal no debe instalarse en lugares donde la atmósfera circundante tenga gases que se enciendan por debajo de los 135 °C.

Especificaciones ambientales

El rango de temperatura recomendado para este dispositivo es entre 0 y 55 grados centígrados mientras está en funcionamiento. Sin embargo, si no está funcionando, el límite inferior disminuye a -25 grados centígrados y el límite superior aumenta a 70 grados centígrados. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 están diseñados para entornos industriales con contaminación de grado 2. Este equipo puede funcionar bien a una altitud máxima de 2000 m sin sufrir reducción de potencia. Este terminal disipa 240 BTU/hr (unidad térmica británica) de calor. La humedad relativa sin condensación en el entorno del terminal puede variar entre el 5% y el 95%. Los terminales PanelView Plus 1250 pueden soportar un impacto de 15 g durante 11 milisegundos mientras están en funcionamiento y 30 g durante 11 milisegundos cuando no están operativos. Esta serie de terminales puede soportar una vibración de 10 a 57 Hz con un desplazamiento pico a pico de 0,012 y de 57 a 500 Hz si tiene una aceleración máxima de 2 g.

Recinto para montar el terminal

Allen Bradley ofrece terminales PanelView Plus 1250 como una pieza de equipo de tipo abierto. Se debe utilizar una caja para montar este terminal. El fabricante sugiere hacer consideraciones cuidadosas al elegir un gabinete para la terminal, como por ejemplo:

  • El gabinete está diseñado para cumplir con las condiciones ambientales que existen en el lugar específico donde se instala el equipo. En otras palabras, se debe prestar atención a las clasificaciones del gabinete.
  • El recinto debe estar diseñado adecuadamente para que las partes vivas de la terminal no sean accesibles y se eliminen las posibilidades de lesiones personales.
  • El diseño del gabinete debe permitir el acceso al interior de la terminal mediante el uso de herramientas apropiadas únicamente.
  • La clasificación del panel o gabinete debe ser equivalente a la clasificación del terminal especificada por las clasificaciones NEMA o IEC.
  • Si no se usará un gabinete apropiado, también se ignoraría la clasificación del panel.
  • El color de la pintura, el tamaño y la disipación de energía de sus componentes internos también afectarán la temperatura de la cabina, por lo que estos parámetros también deben tenerse en cuenta al elegir un gabinete para un entorno específico.
  • Un recinto inclinado está estrictamente prohibido si la luz del sol se derramará directamente sobre la terminal.

En general, Allen Bradley sugiere gabinetes con clasificaciones de NEMA tipo 12, 13, IP65 e IP54. Los gabinetes con clasificación 4X también se pueden usar solo para instalaciones en interiores.

Dimensiones de corte y montaje

Las dimensiones de corte para terminales PanelView Plus 1250 de cualquier tipo tienen una altura de 257 milímetros. Para terminales con teclado y pantalla táctil, así como solo teclado, el ancho de las dimensiones del corte debe ser de 390 milímetros. Para terminales de pantalla táctil y terminales de pantalla táctil de alto brillo, el ancho de las dimensiones del corte debe ser de 338 milímetros.

Anteriormente en los artículos, se discutieron los límites de temperatura permisibles para estos terminales. Para mantener el terminal dentro de su rango de temperatura especificado, el montaje del dispositivo juega un papel importante. Allen Bradley recomienda mantener un espacio libre mínimo alrededor del terminal durante el montaje. Estas autorizaciones incluyen:

  • 51 milímetros en la parte superior del terminal
  • 51 milímetros en la parte inferior del terminal
  • 25 milímetros en los laterales del terminal
    • Si se va a instalar una tarjeta de memoria o un cable de cableado, el espacio libre mínimo a los lados del terminal debe aumentarse a 102 milímetros.
  • 25 milímetros en la parte trasera del terminal

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Panelview Plus 1250

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Panelview Plus 1250 de segunda mano en el mundo.


The 2711P-B12C15A1 by Allen Bradley is a high-performance display terminal unit originating from the PanelView Plus 1250 alignment that runs with a voltage range between 85 to 264 volts AC, incorporates a full-color display, flexible networking card, and an internal memory unit. In addition, this device has 64 megabytes size memory; it enables industrial facilities to carry out essential duties, including tracking connected devices, executing necessary commands, and dealing with a variety of input methods.


Allen Bradley created 2711P-B12C15A2 is a PanelView Plus 1250 class operator interface terminal that offers customers to gain a clear overview while monitoring and controlling the performance of ongoing processes via its touchscreen and keyboard. This device has a compact flash card that allows data transfer, log information, and system upgrades functionalities. This module includes an AC input power of 100 to 240 volts and integrates a conformal coating for durability even in hazardous circumstances.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-B12C4A6 interface terminal aligned to the PanelView Plus 1250 sequential products that feature a display panel with a keypad and touchscreen, and it is mainly used in various applications for monitoring, regulation, enabling users to understand the state of the operation processes. It includes an Ethernet interface and 128 MB of memory, and it is able to connect USB devices like printers and mouses. Furthermore, this device may be used in outdoor or harsh environment situations and has a working temperature range of 0 to 55 degrees Celsius.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-B12C15A7 operator interface terminal, a PanelView Plus 1250 class operator interface terminal that runs on an input voltage level of 100 to 240 volts AC. This module can be operated through a touchscreen or keyboard; it contains a 12.1-inch color screen and includes 256 megabytes of memory unit. This module provides an easy system upgrade option, flexible configuration, and installation function, a file transferring capability, and features in-built connectivity ports and USB connections for keyboard and mouse connection with this module.


Allen Bradley created the 2711P-B12C15D1 interface terminal, a PanelView Plus 1250 class touchscreen, and a keypad-based interfacing unit that requires an input power supply of 18 to 32 volts DC. This device has a 12.1-inch color touchscreen display and keyboard to offer an excellent level controlling feature, obtain operational status tracking capability and view a graphical representation of inserted data. This interface module has an inbuilt storage capacity of 64 MB.


The 2711P-B12C15D2 manufactured by Allen Bradley is a PanelView 1250 class interface terminal featuring a 12-inch touchscreen and customizable function keys that allow the user to interface with machinery and computers. The device system enables versatile and easy setup; the users can check the machine status graphically using its screen. This module runs on 18 to 32 volts DC; it includes a logic module, a battery-powered internal clock, time stamps for essential data, and conventional 64 MB flash and RAM.


The 2711P-B12C15D6 is an operating interface from Allen-Bradley made PanelView Plus 1250 series that is operated via a 12-inch color touchscreen or a physical keypad, and this device is commonly used to control a range of industrial equipment in different applications. This module requires an input voltage supply of 18 to 32 volts DC, has a flexible configuration, and is simple to install and upgrade. It also has 128 MB of memory, a processing unit, and an optional connectivity interface.


Allen Bradley engineered 2711P-B12C15D7 belonging to the PanelView Plus 1250 sequence operational interface featuring a touchpad and a keyboard as its input method; the touchscreen is a 12-inches color display, and the keypad input features 40 function keys with a stainless-steel domed membrane. This module requires an input power of 18 - 32V DC, a normal 24V DC, and a power consumption of 70 watts. This terminal offers IP54 and IP65 enclosure grades, as well as 256 megabytes (MB) flash storage capacity and 256 MB of RAM.


Allen Bradley developed 2711P-B12C4A1, a PanelView Plus 1250 class operator interface that users can utilize to control and monitor different industrial applications. This module is equipped with a 12.1-inch color screen, USB ports, a serial or Ethernet communication interface, 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM, and 512 MB of compact memory space. It can be operated through a keypad or color touchscreen display; it requires an input power range of 100 to 240 volts AC.


Allen Bradley developed 2711P-B12C4A2 is a PanelView Plus 1250 sequential 12.1-inches wide full-color display interface that runs on 85-264 volts AC, it contains a keypad and touchscreen type input and a real-time clocking feature. This module contains a memory unit of 128 megabytes and a serial or Ethernet connection port. This module functions at temperatures between 32 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity level of 5 and 95 percent, and it is suitable for harsh industrial uses with its robust enclosure setup.


Allen Bradley produced 2711P-B12C4A6 unit belonging to the PanelView Plus alignment is a 12.1-inch display terminal with a keypad and touchscreen-based input functionality; this module is usually used in industrial applications to monitor the system’s status, and shows the information graphically. This device needs an input power range of 85 to 264 VAC or 18 to 32 VDC, as well as a reset switch for resetting the terminal without turning it off. It contains a serial or Ethernet interface option and a storage capacity of 128 megabytes.


Allen Bradley produced 2711P-B12C4A7 is an operator interface terminal originated to the PanelView Plus 1250 class that has the ability to control or monitor system programs, ideal to use in both commercial and industrial scenarios; this item runs with a rated power of 85 - 264 volts AC. This module has a touchscreen interface, and a keypad type input option, serial or Ethernet communication ports, and it contains 256 megabytes of internal memory for efficient data storage.


Allen Bradley developed 2711P-B12C4B2, a PanelView Plus 1250 series operator interface terminal featuring both a keypad and touchscreen as control choices; its touchscreen supports color graphics and acts as a display screen. This module is powered by 100 to 240 volts AC and 18 to 32 volts DC, has a serial/Ethernet connection features, and 128 megabytes of memory. Nonetheless, the installing, modifying, putting into service, assembling, and disassembling process of this device needs to be carefully performed.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-B12C4D1, an operator interface terminal aligned to the PanelView Plus 1250 installment that requires an input voltage span of 18 to 32 volts DC. It includes a 64 megabytes memory unit, a keypad/touchscreen as input, and its screen is 12 inches wider, and this it shows various functions operational status. This operator interface terminal can connect to the Ethernet network and use serial communication. This module is suitable for hazardous environmental conditions, and its temperature sensor automatically reduces the backlight intensity.


The 2711P-B12C4D2 operator terminal from Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation is an advanced human-machine interface (HMI) device that can help operators easily control and monitor industrial applications. This terminal is designed to have both touchscreen and keypad functionality. The 12-inch touchscreen provides a high-resolution, color graphics display for clear and detailed information on the status of the process or machine. The touchscreen interface is user-friendly and can be customized to suit specific application requirements.


Allen Bradley produced 2711P-B12C4D6 is a PanelView Plus 1250 edition operator interface terminal with a 12.1-inch full-color screen interface that can operate and monitor various applications' status; the users can control it with the keypad and touchscreen-based input command. This device runs on an 18 to 32 volts DC supply, consumes 70 watts of power at 24VDC, and has a working temperature range from 0 to 55 degrees Centigrade. Moreover, this module uses advanced connection interfaces, 128 megabytes of RAM, and flash drive storage.


The 2711P-B12C4D7 is a PanelView Plus terminal with a color display with a resolution of 1200 and is equipped with a keypad and touch screen for user input. In addition, it has Ethernet and RS232 interface options, allowing for seamless communication with other devices. The terminal can be powered by a 24 Volts Direct Current power source and has a storage capacity of 256 MB Compact Flash® and 256 MB RAM.


Allen Bradley produced 2711P-B12C6A1 is a PanelView Plus 1250 version operator interface terminal commanded by a keypad or a touchscreen; its 12-inches wider screen supports full-color screen to show instructions and application data, has 64 megabytes of memory unit; this module runs at 100 to 240 volts AC. It uses different communication modules to collaborate the display terminal to the external devices and contributes to an improvement in the overall quality of the production line.


The 2711P-B12C6A2 is a 12.1-inch color terminal with a keypad and touchscreen interface from PanelView Plus 1250. It supports multiple communication protocols. And it contains 128 megabytes of flash and 128 megabytes of RAM, so it is suitable for industrial applications that require storage and connectivity in a single package. In addition, its large display and intuitive interface provide users with efficient monitoring and control over their processes, leading to increased productivity.


Allen Bradley produced 2711P-B12C6A6 is a PanelView Plus 1250 ranging display interface that needs a power input of 85 to 264 volts AC. This module equips with a 12-inch color display that may be operated with keys or a touchscreen, contains 125 megabytes of memory space, a communication module featuring USB ports and an Ethernet interface, and so on. This interface module is durable, has a high degree of ingress protection, and is usually used in various industrial settings to check the state of the machinery’s operational status.


Allen Bradley created 2711P-B12C6A7 a PanelView Plus 1250 alignment operating interface unit that functions on an 85–264-volt AC supply at a rated frequency of 47 - 63 hertz. This module has an IP54 and IP65-protected casing, making it ideal for challenging industrial environment applications. This device integrates keys of 40 buttons and an analog-style resistive touch-screen input, and users may check the operational phase through this 12.1-inch wider color screen interface.


The 2711P-B12C6D1 from Allen Bradley is a 12-inches display based operator panel interface having a keypad from the PanelView Plus family, which is intended to serve as an link between users and a computer, allowing them to operate the system's programs and monitor its equipment that are presently running. It also has 64 megabytes of random-access memory (RAM) with an identical size flash type memory and 25 megabytes storage for further uses. This module operates on 18-32 volts of DC and takes around 70 watts.


Allen Bradley developed 2711P-B12C6D2 is a 12.1 inches wide touchscreen display-based operational interface terminal from the PanelView Plus 1250 alignment that runs at 18 to 32 volts DC input power, and it is extensively used in the aerospace, pharmaceutical, commercial estates, and metallurgy sectors, supports both touchscreen and keypad-based input command options. This module includes a durable control panel, 128 megabytes of storage capacity, and a visual interface having a perfect balance of speed and control, automatic updates, and easy accessibility.


Allen Bradley manufactured 2711P-B12C6D6 operator interface terminal is a PanelView Plus 1250 collection device that is a full-color 12-inch touchscreen display with both touchscreen and keypad command features. It has 128 megabytes of RAM and 64 megabytes of flash memory and has 18-32 volts DC power rating, and its power supply is configured at 24V DC with a useable power of 70 watts. This instrument is analog resistive screen with 18-bit color graphics and operates at temperatures ranging from 0 to 55 degrees Centigrade.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-B12C6D7 operator interface terminal is a keyboard and touchpad-controlled LCD screen aligned to the PanelView Plus 1250 lineup that is used to monitor a wide range of applications, allows the user to navigate and track minor system components smoothly. This device requires an input voltage of 18-32 volts DC and has a memory capacity of 256 megabytes. This module is ideal for remote sites due to its communication capabilities, which are supported by a data gateway.


Allen Bradley manufactured 2711P-K12C15A1 device originated from the PanelView Plus 1250 operator interface terminal is used to work as an interface between users and industrial equipment. This item features a logic module with 64 MB of memory, functions on 100 to 240 Volts AC supply, and is suitable for outdoor and hazardous environments. This module has a 12-inch display screen to control the machine's operational progress or track the status of the industrial machinery.


Allen Bradley produced 2711P-K12C15A2 is a PanelView Plus 1250 sequence operator interface terminal that is used to control and monitor industrial machinery; it has a keypad type input option and 128 megabytes of a memory unit. This module operates on 100 to 240 volts AC and complies with cUL-us, C-TICK, and CE standards. It is enclosed in NEMA type 12, 13, 4X casing, suitable for harsh industrial uses, and has an operational temperature variation from 0 and 55 degrees centigrade.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-K12C15A6 device, a PanelView Plus 1250 edition operator interface terminal used to track and surveillance applications in a wide range of industrial operations. This module is engineered and built as the control and display interfacing platform between users and an industrial process or machine that does not have any integrated interface equipment. This module uses an AC input power varied from 100 to 240 volts; it also comes with a memory capacity of 128 megabytes.


Allen Bradley made 2711P-K12C15A7 is a PanelView Plus 1250 alignment operational interface module that is engineered for use in industrial spaces and provides operators with an easy interface to monitor and control the processes. This device features a conformal-coated 12.1-inch color display with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, a functional keys-based keypad, and is equipped with 128MB of RAM, a built-in Ethernet port, and supports other communication protocols. This module operates with an 18-32 volts DC power supply.


The Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 1250 2711P-K12C15D1 interface terminal is a keypad terminal. The graphics on its screen are full color graphics. The 2711P-K12C15D1 terminal is DC-powered. It operates at 18 Volts DC to 32 Volts DC. The 2711P-K12C15D1 terminal's display screen is a 12-inch screen. The keypad for this terminal includes function keys that the operators can program. The 2711P-K12C15D1 terminal is designed to report error messages with corresponding numbers on its screen when errors occur.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-K12C15D2 operator interface device, an element of the PanelView Plus 1250 terminal is powered by 18-32 volts DC and is equipped with a 12.1-inch color display, a keypad, and touchscreen functionality. It integrates different connectivity options for linking industrial networks with various machines and computers, and the operators can monitor and control their operations processes using this device. It can be used in temperatures from 0 to 55 degrees Centigrade, has a robust enclosure, and is built well for use in harsh environments.


The 2711P-K12C15D6 operator interface module originated from the PanelView Plus 1250 line developed by Allen Bradley to interface with industrial applications specifically for monitoring industrial systems and processes with its color touchscreen panel. This module is frequently founded for industrial services because of its advanced graphics capabilities, functional keypads, and different connectivity interfaces. It contains 128 megabytes of storage; the CompactFlash card simplifies the process for users to move files, log data, or upgrade their systems. This device takes an 18-32 volts DC power source to run the whole operation.


The 2711P-K12C15D7 from Allen-Bradley is a functional interface unit from the PanelView Plus 1250 sequential equipment designed to interact with industrial machines, equipment, and computers. It has a keyboard for user input and control command interfaces; a color display for real-time feedback visualization of the connected industrial process. This module operates on 18-32 volts DC, offers a flexible setup, and a simple upgrade feature. It also has a 256 MB memory module and different connection interfaces.


Allen Bradley developed 2711P-K12C4A1, an operator interface aligned with the PanelView Plus 1250 module to interface and control industrial machines and application processes. This module runs on an 85-264 volts AC supply, its compact enclosure makes it suitable for indoor and outdoor installations. Its large display, resistive touchscreen, and multiple communication ports make it a versatile option for a wide range of applications. Also, it is equipped with 512 MB of RAM and 64 MB of memory for application data storage.


Allen Bradley made the 2711P-K12C4A2 operator interface terminal, a PanelView Plus 1250 serial control terminal designed for industrial settings and used to monitor and control various equipment and processes commonly used in manufacturing, packaging, and material handling application. This module runs on an 85-264 volts AC power supply. It features a touchscreen interface, along with function keys enabled keypad for input; it also has 128 megabytes of memory and multiple communication interfaces for linking machines, PCs, and industrial networks.


The 2711P-K12C4A6 is an element of the PanelView Plus 1250 series of operator interface terminals from Allen Bradley. This interfacing device allows the user with an uninterrupted overview of the application status; it is used for visualization, monitoring, and controlling industrial applications process; it has a functional keypad, 12.1 inches color touchscreen interface, functional keys-enabled keyboard, USB ports, serial or Ethernet networking features for linking machines, industrial networks, and PCs. This module uses 85-264 volts AC supply to run operation, and it includes a storage capacity of 128 megabytes.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-K12C4A7, an operational interface terminal belonging to the PanelView Plus 1250 alignment is used to provide a visual interface between operators and industrial machines or processes, it also can be integrated into more extensive industrial networks and offers operators real-time information about the strategies they are monitoring and controlling. This module operates with an 85-264 volts AC supply and has a memory capacity of 256 megabytes. The device may be utilized at temperatures ranging from 0 to 55 degrees Centigrade, making it suitable for a variety of manufacturing and processing procedures.


Allen Bradley created 2711P-K12C4D1 is an operational interface aligned to the PanelView Plus 1250 collection that is used to provide a visual interface between operators and industrial machines or processes. This device is designed for use in various industrial applications and is rugged enough to withstand harsh environments with a robust protective housing setup. It operates with a power supply of 18-32 volts DC, has a 12.1-inch color display, and a keypad with functional keys, and it includes a 64 megabytes size storage option.


Allen Bradley prepared 2711P-K12C4D2 as a PanelView Plus 1250 interfacing device which is operated by a functional keypad and a 12-inch touchscreen display. This device is typically used in monitoring and controlling production processes in large manufacturing and other industries application; it also provides operators with visual access to machine information. It runs on 18-32 volts DC input power, includes Ethernet and serial communication ports, and 128 MB size memory unit.


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-K12C4D6 terminal is a part of the PanelView Plus 1250 terminal family; this keypad-based operator interface connects users to computers and industrial equipment. This terminal has a keyboard, a 12.1-inch display, and a status indicators mechanism for monitoring the state of in-process operations in the industrial systems. This module operates with a DC supply of 18-32 volts. Moreover, this terminal has IP54 and IP65 level protection, making it suitable for harsh industrial and outdoor applications.


Allen Bradley engineered 2711P-K12C4D7 is a PanelView Plus 1250 sequential operator interface panel that is designed to provide a graphical interface for interacting with industrial control systems. This module is equipped with 12.1 inches touchscreen and keypad for input interaction purposes, and the wide range of communication options makes it easy to connect to other devices and systems. This module requires 18-32V DC power, takes 36 watts of energy, has 256 megabytes of memory capacity, and IP64, IP65 rated enclosure.


Allen Bradley created 2711P-K12C6A1 belonging to the PanelView Plus 1250 sequences of industrial operator interface terminal offers a reliable and durable operational interface to interact with industrial automation equipment. It integrates a 12.1-inch color display unit for showing data visually and a keypad featuring input for operator interaction; users can link with machines, PCs, and industrial networks using this module. Moreover, it has 128 MB of RAM and 512 MB of non-volatile storage for storing applications and data. This module runs on 85-264 volts AC and is designed to resist harsh industrial environments with IP54 protected enclosure.


Allen Bradley manufactured 2711P-K12C6A2 is a member of the PanelView Plus 1250 industrial operational interface terminal category. It features a 12.1-inch color screen and a functional keypad interface for operator interaction, and this module is intended for use in a wide range of industrial applications monitoring, tracking purposes. It contains 128 MB of RAM, extra storage for application and data storage, it features UDB poerts, Ethernet, and serial connection connectors for linking to other devices on an industrial network. The terminal runs between 85 and 264 volts AC with a maximum energy usage of 60 volt-amps (VA).


Allen Bradley made 2711P-K12C6A6 a member of the Plus PanelView 1250 sequential of operator interface terminals that is well-suited for use in different industrial automation applications. It contains a keypad, and a 12.1-inch color display unit, and has Ethernet and serial communication ports for connecting to other devices in an industrial network. It comes with two USB ports & 128 megabytes of memory with additional storage options. This unit operates with 85-264 volts AC, is created to withstand harsh industrial environments, & has Type 12/13, NEMA 4X casing with IP54 protection against dust and water.


Allen Bradley made 2711P-K12C6A7 is a PanelView Plus 1250 sequential interface terminal which needs a power supply of 85-264 volts AC, and it allows users to setup and configure machines via its functional keypad. This module also used to provide a graphical interface for tracking and evaluating industrial system and processes; it includes a 12.1 inches color display, a built-in connectivity port for communication with PCs and other devices or equipments, and in integrates 256 megabytes of flash memory.


Allen Bradley engineered 2711P-K12C6D1, a PanelView Plus 1250 sequential operational interface device with communication ports and 64 gigabytes of memory, and it requires an 18–32 volts DC supply to run operation. This equipment monitors, controls, and visually displays the operational data, so users can quickly be notified of their application's progress. The IP56 and IP64 level casing makes it appropriate for indoor/outdoor industrial applications. Additionally, this device has a versatile setup and is simple to set up and update


Allen Bradley developed the 2711P-K12C6D2 operator interface terminal is a PanelView Plus 1250 alignment component with analog and digital input options and a functional keyboard to facilitate direct instructions or commands. Also, its 12-inch color monitor allows the operators to monitor various industrial operation progress and control the equipment easily. This module runs on 18-32 volts DC power, has 24 amps operational current and 0.6 horsepower output, and comes with a volatile 128 megabytes of RAM.


Allen Bradley manufactured 2711P-K12C6D6 is a keypad-driven operator interface terminal aligned to the PanelView Plus 1250 installment that allows fast configuration, setup, and updates facilities using its 12-inch screen and functional keypads; it operates at a power range of 18 to 32 volts DC. Furthermore, it has a standard 128 MB memory; its terminal interface is suited to be used with programmable logic controllers and is designed for use in pollution degree II level industrial environments.


Allen Bradley made 2711P-K12C6D7 is a PanelView Plus 1250 alignment interface terminal that allows users to monitor, control, and graphically display the application's related data. This module has a 12.1-inch color screen interface, a functional keypad, 64 to 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM, a processing unit of 350 megahertz to 1 gigahertz, 80 MB of non-volatile memory for applications purposes, as well as printer, mouse, and keyboard connectivity options. Moreover, this device functions at an input of 18 to 32 volts DC.


The 2711P-RBK12 made by Allen Bradley is a replacement bezel for the PanelView Plus and PanelView Plus 1250 keyboard terminals which is CCC and KC compliant and allows users to surveillance, modify, and check the status of many industrial processes from a single device. This unit is available in both grayscale and color, featuring keypads and a touchscreen, either both keypads or touchscreens. It also features USB connections for connecting the keyboard, mouse, or printer and includes memory extension features.

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Rockwell Descargo de responsabilidad: El producto se utiliza excedente. Automation Stop no es un distribuidor autorizado de excedentes ni un afiliado del fabricante de este producto. El producto puede tener códigos de fecha más antiguos o ser una serie más antigua que la disponible directamente de fábrica o distribuidores autorizados. Porque Automation Stop no es un distribuidor autorizado de este producto, no se aplica la garantía del fabricante original. Si bien muchos productos de PLC de Allen-Bradley ya tienen firmware instalado, DO Supply no garantiza si un producto de PLC tendrá o no firmware y, si tiene firmware, si el firmware tiene el nivel de revisión que necesita para su solicitud. Automation Stop tampoco garantiza su capacidad o derecho para descargar u obtener firmware para el producto de Rockwell, sus distribuidores o cualquier otra fuente. Automation Stop tampoco garantiza su derecho a instalar dicho firmware en el producto. Automation Stop no obtendrá ni suministrará firmware en su nombre. Es su obligación cumplir con los términos de cualquier Acuerdo de licencia de usuario final o documento similar relacionado con la obtención o instalación de firmware.